

It does indeed now seem to use clear wording, for instance, on vmware.


It is closed source, right?

Yes and no, really. :D
It is closed right now, but only because it hasn't been audited for security. Although we never had problems, it's probably not very secure so the OSNews admin prefers it closed (both the owner and our admin at OSNews are ex-Red Hat employees, so they are Free Software-friendly, it's just that my code sucks). But if OSNews LLC was to let go of the site and move it to your servers, I would open source the code. I just don't think you would like the potential burden of security holes... ;-)

Yeah. used to be directly linked from
a right-hand vertical menu. Where is it even linked from now?

Now you have to go click "community" from the top, and then in the community page there is a link towards the end that links to the software map. Through this way we don't get more than 20 hits daily. Maybe a link more prominently somewhere would help? Or link directly to gnomefiles from that link in the community page?


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