Re: Issuing a press release about GNOME 3

On Thu, 2008-07-17 at 18:53 +0200, Olav Vitters wrote:
PS. I'm still unclear about what opening the big tent means exactly -
does it mean having a number of criteria, and any application meeting
those criteria becomes part of GNOME? Does that imply abandoning the
release sets?
Yes, this is nothing really new. I heard Federico already thought about
it for a while. The details are very hard, however, yeah.. it would
abandon the release sets.

I think certification is a good idea to try, if it's simple - just 2 or
3 levels. But abandoning the release sets would be a major mistake.
Almost no modules will actually meet all your certification levels. You
need things to be in release sets so they get that regular pressure to
keep up the standards and keep to the schedule, for every GNOME release.

Try extra stuff, but please don't abandon the release sets until 
something else is proven to be working.

I also don't see how this needs to be part of a GNOME 3.0.

Murray Cumming
murrayc murrayc com

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