Re: Minor comments about the release notes draft

On 9/12/07, Sankarshan Mukhopadhyay <sankarshan mukhopadhyay gmail com> wrote:
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Diego Escalante Urrelo wrote:

"The GNOME Panel can be seen at the top and bottom of your screen in
most distributions. It has some small but helpful improvements in
GNOME 2.20. For instance, the Window List applet no longer resizes its
buttons whenever the length of window titles change. For instance,
this avoids annoying resizes when changing tabs in your web browser.
And the Window Selector applet now sorts its drop-down list by

Can we remove the second "For instance"? It has no use there in my opinion.

This action avoids annoying resizes when changing tabs .... (the second
time it is redundant to use for instance again)

Oh I meant the redundancy not the sentence itself :).

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