SWiK-Source released


Datapoint for a possible projects/applist/doapsite: SWiK-Source, the engine
behind swik.net (which is roughly an application wiki for FLOSS projects)
has been released under GPLv2. It's PHP/MySQL with some Java backend stuff
(that could probably be replaced).

Kind of interesting. With some doap integration, it might form a useful
*data driven* 'projects' site. I dunno. I'm not wildly convinced we need
something like this of our own, but it might be useful, particularly if its
main task was aggregating doap.

Check it out, anyway:



- Jeff

linux.conf.au 2007: Sydney, Australia           http://lca2007.linux.org.au/
       "That whole 'you complete me' thing is just tragic and totally
                 unrealistic. Go complete yourself." - Anon

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