Re: Planet GNOME block (was Re: Page Layout Update)

<quote who="Quim Gil">

The cool gnome-is-people Planet block with its little hackergotchis and
its genuine content renewed automatically several times a day all year
round should be discarded to avoid... the rather small probability of
having offensive words during some hours in the title of a blog post of
a GNOME contributor trusted enough to be aggregated in Planet GNOME. 

It happens regularly enough that I don't think it's worth the trouble.

Considering also that probably GNOME contributors will think it twice
when using these words if they know that they will automatically appear
in the wgo homepage. Also peer moderation would play a role if something
like this would ever happen. 

I don't want to put any more pressure on bloggers than having their blog
published on Planet GNOME already does. We already have self-censorship due
to the size and nature of the audience - increasing the responsibility to
wgo is (in terms of the goals of Planet GNOME) totally inappropriate.

Planet GNOME *should* be a wild west of "the world, work and lives of GNOME
contributors". I don't want Michael to stop blogging about Sunday's sermon,
I don't want Thomas to stop blogging about normal life in a poly family, I
don't want Zaheer to stop blogging about politics with a UK-based Muslim
bent, I don't want Miguel to stop blogging about Mexican electoral fraud, I
don't want Cody to stop blogging about recitals and string practice, and I
don't want Rich to stop blogging about... whatever it is he blogs about.

I've thought about this whole Planet mess, including its culture and impact,
quite a bit, yeah? I don't think any of this is unjustified or extreme.

- Jeff

-- 2007: Sydney, Australia 
                 ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI.

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