Re: GNOME store

<quote who="Dave Neary">

I don't think it's particularly painful having the payment platform off, but I hope that they can style it so that it doesn't look
completely different.

To the contrary, if the shop is not operated by us, the payment gateway area
should look utterly different (albeit with a GNOME logo) such that the user
understands their payment is being processed by a different organisation. We
have seen the results of both methods with (where the payment
gateway is operated by a sponsor), and it is *vastly* better to make the
organisational and operational distinction clear: It *is not* '' or
the GNOME Foundation processing the payment.

- Jeff

-- 2007: Sydney, Australia 
     "Obviously, anyone wanting to found a successful company and make
    millions of dollars should consider writing a file system first." -
                                 Val Henson

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