Re: GNOME Logo Branding Guidelines Concerns

Sorry, I should have made clear that my only concern was about using
flags in connection of locale languages, not aboutn the logo derivations
in general.

I also think people should be encouraged to own the brand and I like the
collection of derivatives proposed by Máirín in the brandbook. I fully
understand that i.e. GNOME applications make derivations i.e. adding a
pawn or a horse for a GNOME chess program.

My only concern is about using flags in combination of the logo to
identify localized GNOME subsites. Thilo said that there was a problem
with German because there is Germany, Switzerland and Austria. Well,
linking languages with flags is problematic in enough cases for (IMO)
being avoided at all. 

For example English language, sometimes represented with a combination
of British Union Jack and American Bars and Stripes, as if this would be
more respectful... towards the myriad of countries having English as
official language as well. 

Don't know, maybe it's me that I come from a place where so much energy
is uselessly spent linking languages with flags and arguing about it. 

PS: reading twice Thilo's email I see he also agrees that "using flags
for languages is a bad idea"

On Sun, 2006-10-29 at 08:56 -0500, Luis Villa wrote:
as long as it is identifiably GNOME, people
should be encouraged to 'own' the brand and make it their own. If that
means customizing it for their country/team/whatever, great. The
universal, tightly controlled brand is a model that I don't think will
work well for us- it is too centralized and doesn't reflect who we
really are.
Quim Gil ///

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