(was Re: the real wgo goals)

Gergely Nagy:
Spinning off a _just_ because it may be served by a different CMS is
IMHO not the way to go.

It was not like that and I was just prospecting possibilities. A is in the potential goals (in fact
already exists and is the same than ). I was
suggesting a possibility to combine with some sense a CVS based wgo with
a CMS based news subsite/channel. If we put it in wgo/news or news.g.o
is like secondary at this stage of the discussion.

CMSs don't make pages vivid. Authors do.

In practice it is evident that CMSs help making pages vivid compared to
our current system. CVS accounts and command line commits stop many
potential contributors from authoring content in wgo. Most people used
to publish news stories online are not used to work this way at all, nor
they feel attracted to learn what it is considered a routine for

Thomas Wood:
Is this not what is currently doing anyway? I wasn't 
aware we were including a replacement in our revamp plans.

We are not including any replacement, just stating something already
happening. Currently the wgo homepage features a "Latest News" column
with 3 news stories that are not what you currently see in + an "Upcoming events" news-alike column that
has no relation with Footnotes either. 

Should we have a separate news channel? Should those news be simply the
latest relevant entries at Should they be the latest
posts to gnome-announce-list? An edited combination of all the sources?

No idea, this is a discussion related with a couple of 2.16 goals:

* Own channel for publishing the official news of the GNOME project
(unassigned, and it would be great if someone from Gnomedesktop or the
GNOME Journal pick it up)

* Single gateway to all the news sources provided by the GNOME subsites
(Michael Maclean)

Quim Gil /// |

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