--- Begin Message ---
- From: Fred H Olson <fholson cohousing org>
- To: fundraising gnome org
- Subject: Idea: optional info "about" Gnome Friends
- Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2006 01:10:31 -0700 (PDT)
Hi, I've just been browsing the gnome.org site (I think for the first time). I'm very impressed (with ver 2.14 as well). I had an idea. I think recognition of Friends is great - we all like to be appreciated and this is a great way. How about offering Friends the option of listing something about themselves e.g. o home location (encouraged) o a few words about interests o a url or email addr (preferable: url to page that has email) All this would be limited to what could be displayed on one line in columns (that were retained when captured) for sorting. Remember all is optional. A couple thought on displaying of Friends ** It might be nice to be able to list all friends in one page (till that becomes impractical :) with a tag for what years they contributed at what level. Having this sortable by locaion would be neat. If all years are not in one page some way to search all would be nice. ** Note that you seem to be using "Friends" to ways: All who contibute any amount Those who contibute up to $25 One last thought, the folks who work on Gnome as volunteers deserve recognition as well. Maybe monitary contributors and work contibutors could be recognised in an integrated list. Of course some are both. I lied, on more last (blue sky) thought. Gnome is not the only OSS project that people can contibute ($ or wk) to and it is unreasonable to expect any one person to contribute much ($ or wk) to multiple / many deserving projects. Therefore maybe someday there could be an integrated OSS member / $ or work contributor recognition system. I lied again, one last even bluer sky idea. OSS is only one part of a bunch of alternative better visions for the world to which people can volunterr $ and work. Maybe someday we cna have an even broader recognition system. BTW in my chosen volunteer field ( Communications for Justice - http://justcomm.org (using Mailman for good causes)), I dream of someday having some kind of "validated community participant" system that many different discussion and announcement systems etc could share the validation we now do usually on a per list basis (thru subscribe / confirmation email / response to complete subscription). This would allow one to choose what to participate in with a simple checkbox from a page (heirarchy of pages) once they had logged with their validated community participant (VCP) username and password. This came to mind since the consolidated contributor system and the VCP sysem might be usefully integrated. Obviously there are many challenges including privacy and trust issues. But one needs a vision. Dream on. Sorry this message got way out of hand... Feel free to forward it to whomever if you feel appropriate. or refer them to the blog version I decided to make - http://fholson.cohousing.org/blog/index.htm#g7h Keep up the good work. Fred -- Fred H. Olson Minneapolis,MN 55411 USA (near north Mpls) Communications for Justice - My new listserv org. UU, Linux My Link Page: http://fholson.cohousing.org Ham radio:WB0YQM fholson at cohousing.org 612-588-9532 (7am-10pm Central time) -- http://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/board-listFrom time to time confidential and sensitive information will be discussedon this mailing list. Please take care to mark confidential information as confidential, and do not redistribute this information without permission.
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