Re: Writing the 2.16 release notes (and press release)

Vincent Untz escribió:
Hi all,

(adding gnome-journal-list on CC since there are some people with
unnatural abilities when it comes down to write/proofread english on
this list ;-)) (but I don't think we need to send replies there, so
please try to not spam them when replying!)

Le lundi 21 août 2006, à 15:39, Davyd Madeley a écrit :
On Mon, Aug 21, 2006 at 09:27:20AM +0200, Vincent Untz wrote:
Ping again since the release is in nearly two weeks, and we want
I've really dropped the ball on this, because I'm over committed.
Someone else really needs to take the lead and let me just fill in
where I can.
Here's the new plan:

 + if you can help, send a mail here, and add your name with a small
   list of what you can do at the end of [1]

 + deadlines:
   - August 24: the features list at [1] is frozen, meaning that we can
     start writing the notes
   - August 26: skeleton of the release notes available
   - August 30: the release notes text is frozen so translators can do
     their job
   - September 6: go live

 + (short) description of the various tasks:

   - coordination: well, that's the job of the person who will slap the
     others when they're late ;-)

   - writing the release notes front page: this is the first page of the
     release notes. It usually contains a screenshot of GNOME and some
     explanations about GNOME. See [2] for an example.
i'll be glad to help on the translation to spanish for release pages, 
and press release

Fernando San Martín Woerner
Jefe de Informática
Galilea S.A.

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