El dj 10 de 08 del 2006 a les 15:17 +0200, en/na Gergely Nagy va escriure:
Know = About Try = Download
If we have to explain even to ourselves what these buzzwords mean, how do we expect the visitors to understand it? :)
Hey Flanagan :) I wasn't explaining. Claus had asked for improvements taking the "old" proposed structure as a reference, I was just identifying the new suggested labels with the labels of the first level structure.
I suggest to use small phrases
Sure. Come up with a better nav bar. :) I mean, let's try to improve the terms we have with new terms. This topic will be much easier to discuss once we have an agreed site structure with all the pages, homepage and second pages mockups and CMS to prototipe with. -- Quim Gil /// http://desdeamericaconamor.org | http://guadec.org
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