El dl 07 de 08 del 2006 a les 22:53 +0200, en/na Claus Schwarm va escriure:
Most users who are likely to visit wgo are probably happy with the screenshot tour, a link to gnomefiles, and links to some other project homepages.
Conclusion: we need to add the GNOME tour to http://live.gnome.org/GnomeWeb/NewWgoStructure . Link to gnomefiles will be in the products list, and the links to some other project homepages will be in the product pages.
Even if some ordinary users come to wgo every now and then, these things are probably sufficient for their information needs as well.
First I want to note that many user will drop in a product page directly via Google if we do things right. Second, we will also have developers, sysadmins and decision-makers or consultants with a tech profile wanting to know more about GNOME and taking the time needed to gather the information and have their own opinion about the decision that brought them there.
I'm not saying, some more pages to describe GNOME's products make no sense; just in case some people are *really* curious -- but these pages are not *that* important.
If this few people are responsible of few big decisions, these pages are important.
we obviously have no agreement about use cases for wgo, yet, nor a new proposal for its menu structure.
No, we haven't. We will have an agreement soon though, and you can help getting a better agreement. We are not going to look for the perfect list of use cases nor the perfect menu structure, we will be happy finding better solutions than the ones wgo currently offers. -- Quim Gil /// http://desdeamericaconamor.org | http://guadec.org
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