Re: gnome app pages (was confusingly Gnome Software Map)

El dl 07 de 08 del 2006 a les 15:54 +0200, en/na Gergely Nagy va

I suggested the wgo/apps/appname URL instead of wgo/projects/appname

I think at this point we agree that we are talking about
applications/products/software and not about projects/teams/people for
this specific case. We need to agree on THE word, or have no word

the URL came up in some emails. Can you guess
what it means?

If you were looking for info about Evolution you probably will know. If
you don't have a clue what Evolution is, /app/evolution won't give you
much more info ("it is an application" - "great, but almost everything
in gnome are apps, so what").

Anyway, you can always have wgo/evolution redirected to
wgo/whatever/evolution so everybody is happy, as has been pointed
before. And anyway, I have no strong opinions about this and whatever
you agree will be fine. 

Gezim and Jeff: controlled duplication of information is not a bad

Simon has some interesting ideas about DOAP integration.

Jeff: is not just an implementation detail, it

A suggestion: let's get the wgo/projects vs projects.go discussion out
of the way. Anyway we are not going to touch anything on this
subdirectory/subdomain in the current release. I don't think either
option conditions the discussion of wgo in any case.

We'd be
crucified it those just disappeared until the next web release :)

If we keep wgo/projects the CMS needs to deal with this. If we create
projects.go we need to keep redirects from the current URLs. No project
website disappears in any case. Another reason to keep this out of the
discussion now.

will just get some people offended (like Claus said)...

I still don't see why it is us wgo maintainers offending people. It is
not us who decide if you are in the GNOME release or not, if you are
hosted in the GNOME servers or not, if you have a product in bugzilla or
not, if your software is unstable or stable.

The wgo maintainers decide at most if your product is interesting enough
to create ourselves your product page and perhaps link it from other
pages apart from the full list. But we choose from the list of products
filtered by the criteria above.


"this is the software we consider useful for our users, and it is
here to provide good starting points to discover them, and we maintain
this info in several languages so a lot of people can access them"

... this is a cool approach. At the end we will apply the same filters
described above and we don't need to say "official" when the Foundation
hasn't found still a way to define GNOME certified software.

Quim, and Gazim was it? "Not scrolling" is soo overrated. Screen sizes

Yes, yes, but you know what I mean. aims to fit in one
page. don't. Both offer a myriad of services but
they have different homepage strategies. We need to decide which extreme
we want to approach, and I'm more for the minimalistic approach. It's
more GNOMEy. If then I have to scroll with a 770, fine.

To recap my view about the app pages' added values:

Agreed. We need a wiki page summarizing what is a page of these.

I would also like to mention, that Jeff's project pages are (most
probably) different from the project management pages that we are
outlining for Makes me wonder even more :)

Another very good reason to leave this discussion for later, when the
revamped wgo is settled down and, eventually, released.

Quim Gil /// |

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