Re: response to linus...?

En/na Santiago Roza ha escrit:
i couldn't help writing a response to linus (about the kde thing), so
here you have it.  i'm sending it to him (and as many websites as i


Santiago Roza
GNOME Marketing Team

Feel free to write Linus but please don't put any GNOME reference in
your signature in order to avoid (more) confusion. It is you who is
writing to Linus, not GNOME. If GNOME wants to send an official answer
to Linus the board will do it, or will do it and how.

At a Marketing Team level I think it's useful to discuss why a potential
user (like Linus seems to be) has this perception about GNOME, the
product, the development process and the developers. What are the
problems and what can we do to solve them.

For instance, with all this issue what I've missed is the possibility of
posting an answer in a news section in the homepage, where
possible some users have come to find what was our opinion on this Linus
debate. I'm also missing that "Get the Facts" page we have been talking
about many times, where the arguments behind our response would be
solidly explained.

Quim Gil -

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