Re: The "What is GNOME?" Answer


A bit late in putting my hat into the ring, but better late than

The original post from Jeff probably made the mandate very clear - a
GNOME explanation for Aunt Tillie and Uncle Joe (replace them with the
generic for any nation).

My feelings are:

[1] the slogan (if it can be termed that) should avoid references to
GNU. Not that I have anything against the fine animal, but GNU brings
in its own set of recursive explanations which tend to muddy up the

[2] the slogan is aimed primarily at marketing GNOME, so it should be
generic (so as to ensure nearly worldwide applicability with few
modifications) as well as summarise the USP

[3] 'is an effort' is a lame term - I agree, but it also captures the
evolving spirit of GNOME both desktop and toolchain. I feel that it is
better to keep this in the slogan, perhaps using different semiotics

[4] the slogan should talk about the desktop as well as the
development toolchain.

As Jeff wrote:

So, the message we want out of this is a succinct, informative,
honest, but
hopefully inspiring description of the GNOME project, and its
I know that critical appreciation without any (positive) contribution
is not something that is kindly looked upon, so here's what I think is
important :

"GNOME is an Free Software project which provides a rich set of
developer components and a stable desktop with extensive ease-of-use
features aimed at small as well as enterprise class installations"

In some ways it is not complete, so mea culpa.


ps: about the GNU part - nowadays when I talk with young 'uns about
FSF & GNU, the GNU paradigm leads to lot of digression - and thus loss
in message.

A place for talking about GNOME
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