Re: [Ekiga-list] Looking for a contractor to connect our windows 7 / 10 user interface to lower layer OpenPhone libraries

On 20/05/15 21:40, Chris Tidal Wave wrote:
Hi everyone !

Seeing how many of you guys and/or girls have already done this for Ekiga, I
would like to ask if anyone on this list is interested in a paid project to
connect our Windows user interface to the lower layer SIP and media
libraries of OpenPhone.


Pass user id and password to the SIP registration process and interact
accordingly(register, log off, etc)

Send dialed digits to the originate a call setup process and interact
accordingly(invite, sdp, redirects, forbidden, trying, ringing, OK, etc)

Send and receive call disconnect events and interact accordingly(send bye,
receive bye, media timeout, etc.)

Send media(video and audio)

Receive media(video and audio and send to the monitor and speakers)

Receive unsolicited SIP messages and pass to the user interface

Our interface is to be for a VERY focused specific application.  There, will
be NO User interface work on this project.  The project will only consist of
connecting our user interface to the SIP stack and codecs of OpenPhone.

If anyone is interested, please reply to my email address at
chris tidalwavetelecom com

Well, what you need is to implement (a part of) Ekiga in another way. Indeed, as written at

- ekiga itself contains the graphical interface and related components (roster, neighbours, dialpad, LDAP integration, configuration etc.)

- ptlib library contains audio/video devices and low-level functions, such as STUN.

- opal library contains audio/video codecs, SIP, H.323 and related technologies (presence, H.239 etc.)

If no one pops up on list, you can also try opalvoip-user lists sourceforge net Finally, I suppose you speak about opal (library), not openphone (application).


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