Hallo Damien.
I am very happy with Ekiga and what it does. It all seemed fairly seamless to install and get working, and to talk to myself. :-) I did manage to wake a person up on the other side of the world by 'phoning' at random.
I'm fairly sure that I do not understand the implications of your message below. Not sure how it all works . What does the platform do? Could I help maintain the platform in some way?
My problem really is how to motivate friends and family to use this service. I think what would help me here is to become more familiar with the service. Something that would help is a directory of people in same time zone, willing to be phoned. in order to practise using Ekiga with a real person before making a fool of myself with colleagues, friends or family.
All Best,
Tony Moody
On 28 Mar 2015 at 18:12, Damien Sandras wrote about :
Subject : [Ekiga-list] About Ekiga.net
> Hi everyone,
> Ekiga.net has been running since 2006 when there were no free SIP
> providers. Maintaining the platform is much work for our small team.
> Some features have been missing for years without anyone having the time
> to implement them.
> Should we keep the platform or try to find a partnership with someone to
> move it to another platform?
> Who is using Ekiga.net?
> Through the years there have been nearly 1 million subscribers.
> Ah well, if each of them had donated 1 € ;)
> --
> Damien SANDRAS
> Ekiga Project
> http://www.ekiga.org
-- Damien SANDRAS Ekiga Project http://www.ekiga.org |