Re: [Ekiga-list] could not register (method not allowed)

hanks Eugen - I would be prefer to keep using stable packages on my server only and hope it is possible to get ekiga 3.x to run as well.

Attaching a more complete debug log:
dyna.cxx(128) DYNA Error loading - cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory dyna.cxx(128) DYNA Error loading CÄËÝA/ - CÄËÝA/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory dyna.cxx(128) DYNA Error loading ./ - ./ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory dyna.cxx(128) DYNA Error loading /usr/local/lib/ - /usr/local/lib/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory dyna.cxx(128) DYNA Error loading - cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory dyna.cxx(128) DYNA Error loading CÄËÝA/ - CÄËÝA/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory dyna.cxx(128) DYNA Error loading ./ - ./ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory dyna.cxx(128) DYNA Error loading /usr/local/lib/ - /usr/local/lib/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory dyna.cxx(128) DYNA Error loading - cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory dyna.cxx(128) DYNA Error loading CÄËÝA/ - CÄËÝA/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory dyna.cxx(128) DYNA Error loading ./ - ./ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory dyna.cxx(128) DYNA Error loading /usr/local/lib/ - /usr/local/lib/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory dyna.cxx(221) MPEG4 DYNA Failed to load FFMPEG libavcodec library
       mpeg4.cxx(1978)    MPEG4    Codec    Disabled
dyna.cxx(128) DYNA Error loading - cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory dyna.cxx(128) DYNA Error loading DåªÝA/ - DåªÝA/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory dyna.cxx(128) DYNA Error loading ./ - ./ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory dyna.cxx(128) DYNA Error loading /usr/local/lib/ - /usr/local/lib/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory dyna.cxx(128) DYNA Error loading - cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory dyna.cxx(128) DYNA Error loading DåªÝA/ - DåªÝA/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory dyna.cxx(128) DYNA Error loading ./ - ./ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory dyna.cxx(128) DYNA Error loading /usr/local/lib/ - /usr/local/lib/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory dyna.cxx(128) DYNA Error loading - cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory dyna.cxx(128) DYNA Error loading DåªÝA/ - DåªÝA/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory dyna.cxx(128) DYNA Error loading ./ - ./ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory dyna.cxx(128) DYNA Error loading /usr/local/lib/ - /usr/local/lib/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory dyna.cxx(221) H263+ DYNA Failed to load FFMPEG libavcodec library
   h263-1998.cxx(2087)    H.263    Codec    Disabled
2014/07/26 16:26:57.848 0:00.165 Version 3.2.7 by on Unix Linux (2.6.32-5-amd64-x86_64) with PTLib (v2.6.7) at 2014/7/26 16:26:57.848
2014/07/26 16:26:57.848      0:00.166     Ekiga git revision: unknown
2014/07/26 16:26:57.861 0:00.178 Ekiga registered on D-Bus: org.ekiga.Ekiga 2014/07/26 16:26:57.864 0:00.181 PWLib File handle high water mark set: 19 Thread unblock pipe 2014/07/26 16:26:57.864 0:00.182 PTLib Thread high water mark set: 2 2014/07/26 16:26:57.865 0:00.182 PWLib File handle high water mark set: 21 Thread unblock pipe 2014/07/26 16:26:57.865 0:00.182 PTLib Thread high water mark set: 3 2014/07/26 16:26:57.865 0:00.182 PWLib File handle high water mark set: 23 Thread unblock pipe 2014/07/26 16:26:57.867 0:00.184 PWLib File handle high water mark set: 25 Thread unblock pipe 2014/07/26 16:26:57.869 0:00.186 PTLib Thread high water mark set: 4 2014/07/26 16:26:57.869 0:00.187 HalManager_dbus Initialising HAL Manager 2014/07/26 16:26:57.873 0:00.191 HalManager_dbus Populating device list 2014/07/26 16:26:57.875 0:00.192 HalManager_dbus Populating full device list failed - The name org.freedesktop.Hal was not provided by any .service files 2014/07/26 16:26:57.876 0:00.193 HalManager_dbus Populating interface list 2014/07/26 16:26:57.877 0:00.194 HalManager_dbus Populating full interface list failed - Method "getDevices" with signature "" on interface "org.freedesktop.NetworkManager" doesn't exist

2014/07/26 16:26:57.897      0:00.214     Detecting V4L2 devices
2014/07/26 16:26:57.897      0:00.214     Unable to detect v4l2 directory
2014/07/26 16:26:57.917 0:00.234 PWLib File handle high water mark set: 30 Thread unblock pipe 2014/07/26 16:26:57.917 0:00.234 PTLib Thread high water mark set: 5
2014/07/26 16:26:57.917      0:00.234     OpalMan    Created manager.
2014/07/26 16:26:57.918 0:00.235 OpalMan Attached endpoint with prefix pc
2014/07/26 16:26:57.918      0:00.235     OpalEP    Created endpoint: pc
2014/07/26 16:26:58.017 0:00.334 PCSS Created PC sound system endpoint.
HDA Intel
HDA Intel (1)
HDA Intel

2014/07/26 16:26:58.018      0:00.335     OPAL SetMediaFormatOrder()
2014/07/26 16:26:58.018      0:00.335     OPAL SetMediaFormatMask()
2014/07/26 16:26:58.019 0:00.336 OpalMan Attached endpoint with prefix sip
2014/07/26 16:26:58.019      0:00.336     OpalEP    Created endpoint: sip
2014/07/26 16:26:58.020 0:00.337 PWLib File handle high water mark set: 31 PUDPSocket 2014/07/26 16:26:58.020 0:00.337 IfaceMon Initial interface list: [00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01] <00-00-00-00-00-00> (lo) [fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:02:30:18:ff:fe:a5:a7:21] <00-30-18-A5-A7-21> (br0)

2014/07/26 16:26:58.020 0:00.338 PWLib File handle high water mark set: 32 Thread unblock pipe 2014/07/26 16:26:58.021 0:00.338 PTLib Thread high water mark set: 6 2014/07/26 16:26:58.021 0:00.338 Network In...0xf1aae700 IfaceMon Started interface monitor thread. 2014/07/26 16:26:58.021 0:00.338 PWLib File handle high water mark set: 34 Thread unblock pipe 2014/07/26 16:26:58.021 0:00.339 PTLib Thread high water mark set: 7 2014/07/26 16:26:58.021 0:00.339 Network In...0xf1aae700 PWLib File handle high water mark set: 35 PUDPSocket 2014/07/26 16:26:58.022 0:00.339 OpalMan Attached endpoint with prefix sips
2014/07/26 16:26:58.022      0:00.339     SIP    Created endpoint.
2014/07/26 16:26:58.023 0:00.340 MonSock Created socket bundle for all interfaces. 2014/07/26 16:26:58.023 0:00.340 PWLib File handle high water mark set: 36 PUDPSocket 2014/07/26 16:26:58.023 0:00.341 MonSock Created bundled UDP socket 2014/07/26 16:26:58.024 0:00.341 PWLib File handle high water mark set: 38 Thread unblock pipe 2014/07/26 16:26:58.024 0:00.341 PTLib Thread high water mark set: 8 2014/07/26 16:26:58.024 0:00.341 Opal Liste...0xdbb64700 Listen Started listening thread on udp$*:5061 2014/07/26 16:26:58.024 0:00.342 OpalMan Added route "sip:.*=pc:*" 2014/07/26 16:26:58.025 0:00.342 OpalMan Added route "pc:.*=sip:<da>" 2014/07/26 16:26:58.025 0:00.343 OpalMan Attached endpoint with prefix h323
2014/07/26 16:26:58.026      0:00.343     OpalEP    Created endpoint: h323
2014/07/26 16:26:58.026 0:00.343 OpalMan Attached endpoint with prefix h323s
2014/07/26 16:26:58.026      0:00.343     H323    Created endpoint.
2014/07/26 16:26:58.026 0:00.343 PWLib File handle high water mark set: 39 PTCPSocket 2014/07/26 16:26:58.026 0:00.343 Listen Open (REUSEADDR) on failed: Address already in use 2014/07/26 16:26:58.026 0:00.344 Listen Stopping listening thread on tcp$*:1720 2014/07/26 16:26:58.027 0:00.344 OpalEP Could not start listener: tcp$*:1720 2014/07/26 16:26:58.027 0:00.344 OpalMan Added route "h323:.*=pc:<db>" 2014/07/26 16:26:58.027 0:00.344 OpalMan Added route "pc:.*=h323:<da>" 2014/07/26 16:26:58.049 0:00.366 MediaFormat Removing codecs SpeexIETFWide-20.6k,SpeexWB,SpeexWide-20.6k,G.711-uLaw-64k,G.711-ALaw-64k,theora,H.261,H.261-CIF,H.261-QCIF 2014/07/26 16:26:58.050 0:00.367 OPAL SetMediaFormatMask(PCM-16-48kHz,CELT-48K,PCM-16-32kHz,CELT-32K,PCM-16-16kHz,G.722-64k,PCM-16,G.726-16k,G.726-24k,G.726-32k,G.726-40k,GSM-06.10,GSM-AMR,LPC-10,MS-GSM,MS-IMA-ADPCM,SpeexIETFNarrow-11k,SpeexIETFNarrow-15k,SpeexIETFNarrow-18.2k,SpeexIETFNarrow-24.6k,SpeexIETFNarrow-5.95k,SpeexIETFNarrow-8k,SpeexNB,SpeexWNarrow-8k,YUV420P,RFC4175_YCbCr-4:2:0,RGB32,RGB24,RFC4175_RGB,SIP-IM,T.140,H.224/H323AnnexQ,H.224/HDLCTunneling,Linear-16-Stereo-48kHz) 2014/07/26 16:26:58.050 0:00.367 OPAL SetMediaFormatOrder(SpeexIETFWide-20.6k,SpeexWB,SpeexWide-20.6k,G.711-uLaw-64k,G.711-ALaw-64k,theora,H.261,H.261-CIF,H.261-QCIF) 2014/07/26 16:26:58.067 0:00.385 MediaFormat Removing codecs SpeexIETFWide-20.6k,SpeexWB,SpeexWide-20.6k,G.711-uLaw-64k,G.711-ALaw-64k,theora,H.261,H.261-CIF,H.261-QCIF 2014/07/26 16:26:58.068 0:00.386 OPAL SetMediaFormatMask(PCM-16-48kHz,CELT-48K,PCM-16-32kHz,CELT-32K,PCM-16-16kHz,G.722-64k,PCM-16,G.726-16k,G.726-24k,G.726-32k,G.726-40k,GSM-06.10,GSM-AMR,LPC-10,MS-GSM,MS-IMA-ADPCM,SpeexIETFNarrow-11k,SpeexIETFNarrow-15k,SpeexIETFNarrow-18.2k,SpeexIETFNarrow-24.6k,SpeexIETFNarrow-5.95k,SpeexIETFNarrow-8k,SpeexNB,SpeexWNarrow-8k,YUV420P,RFC4175_YCbCr-4:2:0,RGB32,RGB24,RFC4175_RGB,SIP-IM,T.140,H.224/H323AnnexQ,H.224/HDLCTunneling,Linear-16-Stereo-48kHz) 2014/07/26 16:26:58.069 0:00.386 OPAL SetMediaFormatOrder(SpeexIETFWide-20.6k,SpeexWB,SpeexWide-20.6k,G.711-uLaw-64k,G.711-ALaw-64k,theora,H.261,H.261-CIF,H.261-QCIF) 2014/07/26 16:26:58.196 0:00.513 PWLib File handle high water mark set: 41 PUDPSocket 2014/07/26 16:26:58.197 0:00.514 SIP Changing SUBSCRIBE handler from Unavailable to Subscribing, target=sip:500 ekiga net, id=6479bd91-3e13-e411-8a53-003018a5a721 hfxmicro 2014/07/26 16:26:58.197 0:00.514 DNS SRV Lookup service _sip._udp 2014/07/26 16:26:58.334 0:00.652 SIP Attempting SRV record entry 0: 2014/07/26 16:26:58.335 0:00.653 OpalUDP Binding to interface: 2014/07/26 16:26:58.336 0:00.653 SIP Created transport udp$<if=udp$*:5061> 2014/07/26 16:26:58.337 0:00.654 OpalUDP Started connect to 2014/07/26 16:26:58.337 0:00.655 OpalUDP Writing to interface 0 - "" 2014/07/26 16:26:58.338 0:00.656 OpalMan Listener interfaces: associated transport=None
2014/07/26 16:26:58.342      0:00.659     SIP    Transaction created.
2014/07/26 16:26:58.349 0:00.666 DNS SRV Lookup service _sip._udp 2014/07/26 16:26:58.360 0:00.678 SIP Attempting SRV record entry 0: 2014/07/26 16:26:58.361 0:00.678 SIP Transaction remote address is udp$ 2014/07/26 16:26:58.362 0:00.679 SIP Sending PDU (551 bytes) to: rem=udp$,local=udp$,if=
SUBSCRIBE sip:500 ekiga net SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK3839d491-3e13-e411-8a53-003018a5a721;rport
User-Agent: Ekiga/3.2.7
From: <sip:root 192 168 178 10>;tag=12a6d391-3e13-e411-8a53-003018a5a721
Call-ID: 6479bd91-3e13-e411-8a53-003018a5a721 hfxmicro
To: <sip:500 ekiga net>
Contact: <sip:root 192 168 178 10:5061>
Accept: application/pidf+xml
Expires: 300
Event: presence
Content-Length: 0
Max-Forwards: 70

2014/07/26 16:26:58.363 0:00.680 OpalUDP Setting interface to 2014/07/26 16:26:58.363 0:00.681 SIP Transaction timers set: retry=0.500, completion=6.000 2014/07/26 16:26:58.365 0:00.682 SIP Changing SUBSCRIBE handler from Unavailable to Subscribing, target=sip:500 ekiga net, id=1c11d791-3e13-e411-8a53-003018a5a721 hfxmicro 2014/07/26 16:26:58.365 0:00.682 DNS SRV Lookup service _sip._udp 2014/07/26 16:26:58.375 0:00.693 SIP Attempting SRV record entry 0: 2014/07/26 16:26:58.376 0:00.693 OpalUDP Binding to interface: 2014/07/26 16:26:58.377 0:00.694 SIP Created transport udp$<if=udp$*:5061> 2014/07/26 16:26:58.378 0:00.695 OpalUDP Started connect to 2014/07/26 16:26:58.378 0:00.695 OpalUDP Writing to interface 0 - "" 2014/07/26 16:26:58.379 0:00.696 OpalMan Listener interfaces: associated transport=None
2014/07/26 16:26:58.383      0:00.700     SIP    Transaction created.
2014/07/26 16:26:58.389 0:00.706 DNS SRV Lookup service _sip._udp 2014/07/26 16:26:58.395 0:00.712 Opal Liste...0xdbb64700 PWLib File handle high water mark set: 42 PUDPSocket 2014/07/26 16:26:58.395 0:00.712 Opal Liste...0xdbb64700 OpalUDP Binding to interface: 2014/07/26 16:26:58.395 0:00.713 Opal Liste...0xdbb64700 SIP Waiting for PDU on udp$<if=udp$> 2014/07/26 16:26:58.397 0:00.714 Opal Liste...0xdbb64700 SIP PDU received: rem=udp$,local=udp$,if=
SIP/2.0 489 Event Not Supported
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK3839d491-3e13-e411-8a53-003018a5a721;rport=5061;received=
Server: Kamailio (1.5.3-notls (i386/linux))
From: <sip:root 192 168 178 10>;tag=12a6d391-3e13-e411-8a53-003018a5a721
Call-ID: 6479bd91-3e13-e411-8a53-003018a5a721 hfxmicro
To: <sip:500 ekiga net>;tag=c64e1f832a41ec1c1f4e5673ac5b80f6.f14c
Content-Length: 0

2014/07/26 16:26:58.398 0:00.715 Opal Liste...0xdbb64700 SIP Queueing PDU "2 SUBSCRIBE <489>", transaction=z9hG4bK3839d491-3e13-e411-8a53-003018a5a721, token=6479bd91-3e13-e411-8a53-003018a5a721 hfxmicro 2014/07/26 16:26:58.398 0:00.715 Opal Liste...0xdbb64700 PWLib File handle high water mark set: 43 Thread unblock pipe 2014/07/26 16:26:58.398 0:00.716 Opal Liste...0xdbb64700 PTLib Thread high water mark set: 9 2014/07/26 16:26:58.399 0:00.716 Opal Liste...0xdbb64700 Opal Transport clean up on termination 2014/07/26 16:26:58.399 0:00.716 Opal Liste...0xdbb64700 Opal Transport Close 2014/07/26 16:26:58.400 0:00.717 Opal Liste...0xdbb64700 PWLib File handle high water mark set: 44 PUDPSocket 2014/07/26 16:26:58.399 0:00.716 Opal Liste...0xdbb64700 Opal Deleted transport udp$<if=udp$> 2014/07/26 16:26:58.400 0:00.718 SIP Attempting SRV record entry 0: 2014/07/26 16:26:58.401 0:00.718 Pool:0xda0a3700 SIP Handling PDU "2 SUBSCRIBE <489>" for transaction=z9hG4bK3839d491-3e13-e411-8a53-003018a5a721 2014/07/26 16:26:58.401 0:00.718 SIP Transaction remote address is udp$ 2014/07/26 16:26:58.401 0:00.718 Pool:0xda0a3700 SIP SUBSCRIBE transaction id=z9hG4bK3839d491-3e13-e411-8a53-003018a5a721 completed. 2014/07/26 16:26:58.401 0:00.718 Pool:0xda0a3700 OpalUDP Setting interface to 2014/07/26 16:26:58.401 0:00.719 Pool:0xda0a3700 SIP Not retrying SUBSCRIBE due to error response 489 Bad Event 2014/07/26 16:26:58.402 0:00.719 Pool:0xda0a3700 SIP Changing SUBSCRIBE handler from Subscribing to Unsubscribed, target=sip:500 ekiga net, id=6479bd91-3e13-e411-8a53-003018a5a721 hfxmicro 2014/07/26 16:26:58.402 0:00.719 Pool:0xda0a3700 SIP Handled PDU "2 SUBSCRIBE <489>" 2014/07/26 16:26:58.402 0:00.719 PWLib File handle low water mark set: 41 PUDPSocket 2014/07/26 16:26:58.401 0:00.719 SIP Sending PDU (562 bytes) to: rem=udp$,local=udp$,if=
SUBSCRIBE sip:500 ekiga net SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK5665da91-3e13-e411-8a53-003018a5a721;rport
User-Agent: Ekiga/3.2.7
From: <sip:root 192 168 178 10>;tag=52d3d991-3e13-e411-8a53-003018a5a721
Call-ID: 1c11d791-3e13-e411-8a53-003018a5a721 hfxmicro
To: <sip:500 ekiga net>
Contact: <sip:500 192 168 178 10:5061>
Accept: application/dialog-info+xml
Expires: 300
Event: dialog;sla;ma
Content-Length: 0
Max-Forwards: 70

2014/07/26 16:26:58.403 0:00.720 OpalUDP Setting interface to 2014/07/26 16:26:58.403 0:00.720 SIP Transaction timers set: retry=0.500, completion=6.000 2014/07/26 16:26:58.404 0:00.721 SIP Changing SUBSCRIBE handler from Unavailable to Subscribing, target=sip:501 ekiga net, id=4410dd91-3e13-e411-8a53-003018a5a721 hfxmicro 2014/07/26 16:26:58.404 0:00.721 DNS SRV Lookup service _sip._udp 2014/07/26 16:26:58.414 0:00.732 SIP Attempting SRV record entry 0: 2014/07/26 16:26:58.415 0:00.732 OpalUDP Binding to interface: 2014/07/26 16:26:58.415 0:00.732 SIP Created transport udp$<if=udp$*:5061> 2014/07/26 16:26:58.416 0:00.733 OpalUDP Started connect to 2014/07/26 16:26:58.417 0:00.734 OpalUDP Writing to interface 0 - "" 2014/07/26 16:26:58.417 0:00.734 OpalMan Listener interfaces: associated transport=None
2014/07/26 16:26:58.420      0:00.737     SIP    Transaction created.
2014/07/26 16:26:58.426 0:00.743 DNS SRV Lookup service _sip._udp 2014/07/26 16:26:58.434 0:00.751 Opal Liste...0xdbb64700 OpalUDP Binding to interface: 2014/07/26 16:26:58.434 0:00.751 Opal Liste...0xdbb64700 SIP Waiting for PDU on udp$<if=udp$> 2014/07/26 16:26:58.435 0:00.752 Opal Liste...0xdbb64700 SIP PDU received: rem=udp$,local=udp$,if=
SIP/2.0 489 Event Not Supported
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK5665da91-3e13-e411-8a53-003018a5a721;rport=5061;received=
Server: Kamailio (1.5.3-notls (i386/linux))
From: <sip:root 192 168 178 10>;tag=52d3d991-3e13-e411-8a53-003018a5a721
Call-ID: 1c11d791-3e13-e411-8a53-003018a5a721 hfxmicro
To: <sip:500 ekiga net>;tag=c64e1f832a41ec1c1f4e5673ac5b80f6.4a24
Content-Length: 0

2014/07/26 16:26:58.437 0:00.754 Opal Liste...0xdbb64700 SIP Queueing PDU "2 SUBSCRIBE <489>", transaction=z9hG4bK5665da91-3e13-e411-8a53-003018a5a721, token=1c11d791-3e13-e411-8a53-003018a5a721 hfxmicro 2014/07/26 16:26:58.437 0:00.754 Opal Liste...0xdbb64700 Opal Transport clean up on termination 2014/07/26 16:26:58.437 0:00.754 Opal Liste...0xdbb64700 Opal Transport Close 2014/07/26 16:26:58.437 0:00.755 SIP Attempting SRV record entry 0: 2014/07/26 16:26:58.438 0:00.755 SIP Transaction remote address is udp$ 2014/07/26 16:26:58.437 0:00.754 Opal Liste...0xdbb64700 Opal Deleted transport udp$<if=udp$> 2014/07/26 16:26:58.438 0:00.756 Pool:0xda0a3700 SIP Handling PDU "2 SUBSCRIBE <489>" for transaction=z9hG4bK5665da91-3e13-e411-8a53-003018a5a721 2014/07/26 16:26:58.439 0:00.756 Pool:0xda0a3700 SIP SUBSCRIBE transaction id=z9hG4bK5665da91-3e13-e411-8a53-003018a5a721 completed. 2014/07/26 16:26:58.439 0:00.756 Pool:0xda0a3700 OpalUDP Setting interface to 2014/07/26 16:26:58.439 0:00.756 Pool:0xda0a3700 SIP Not retrying SUBSCRIBE due to error response 489 Bad Event 2014/07/26 16:26:58.439 0:00.757 Pool:0xda0a3700 SIP Changing SUBSCRIBE handler from Subscribing to Unsubscribed, target=sip:500 ekiga net, id=1c11d791-3e13-e411-8a53-003018a5a721 hfxmicro 2014/07/26 16:26:58.440 0:00.757 Pool:0xda0a3700 SIP Handled PDU "2 SUBSCRIBE <489>" 2014/07/26 16:26:58.439 0:00.756 SIP Sending PDU (551 bytes) to: rem=udp$,local=udp$,if=
SUBSCRIBE sip:501 ekiga net SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK9601e091-3e13-e411-8a53-003018a5a721;rport
User-Agent: Ekiga/3.2.7
From: <sip:root 192 168 178 10>;tag=c48ddf91-3e13-e411-8a53-003018a5a721
Call-ID: 4410dd91-3e13-e411-8a53-003018a5a721 hfxmicro
To: <sip:501 ekiga net>
Contact: <sip:root 192 168 178 10:5061>
Accept: application/pidf+xml
Expires: 300
Event: presence
Content-Length: 0
Max-Forwards: 70

2014/07/26 16:26:58.440 0:00.757 OpalUDP Setting interface to 2014/07/26 16:26:58.440 0:00.758 SIP Transaction timers set: retry=0.500, completion=6.000 2014/07/26 16:26:58.441 0:00.758 SIP Changing SUBSCRIBE handler from Unavailable to Subscribing, target=sip:501 ekiga net, id=a2c0e291-3e13-e411-8a53-003018a5a721 hfxmicro 2014/07/26 16:26:58.441 0:00.759 DNS SRV Lookup service _sip._udp 2014/07/26 16:26:58.452 0:00.770 SIP Attempting SRV record entry 0: 2014/07/26 16:26:58.453 0:00.770 OpalUDP Binding to interface: 2014/07/26 16:26:58.453 0:00.770 SIP Created transport udp$<if=udp$*:5061> 2014/07/26 16:26:58.454 0:00.771 OpalUDP Started connect to 2014/07/26 16:26:58.454 0:00.772 OpalUDP Writing to interface 0 - "" 2014/07/26 16:26:58.455 0:00.772 OpalMan Listener interfaces: associated transport=None
2014/07/26 16:26:58.458      0:00.775     SIP    Transaction created.
2014/07/26 16:26:58.464 0:00.781 DNS SRV Lookup service _sip._udp 2014/07/26 16:26:58.470 0:00.788 Opal Liste...0xdbb64700 OpalUDP Binding to interface: 2014/07/26 16:26:58.471 0:00.788 Opal Liste...0xdbb64700 SIP Waiting for PDU on udp$<if=udp$> 2014/07/26 16:26:58.472 0:00.789 Opal Liste...0xdbb64700 SIP PDU received: rem=udp$,local=udp$,if=
SIP/2.0 489 Event Not Supported
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK9601e091-3e13-e411-8a53-003018a5a721;rport=5061;received=
Server: Kamailio (1.5.3-notls (i386/linux))
From: <sip:root 192 168 178 10>;tag=c48ddf91-3e13-e411-8a53-003018a5a721
Call-ID: 4410dd91-3e13-e411-8a53-003018a5a721 hfxmicro
To: <sip:501 ekiga net>;tag=c64e1f832a41ec1c1f4e5673ac5b80f6.f330
Content-Length: 0

2014/07/26 16:26:58.473 0:00.790 Opal Liste...0xdbb64700 SIP Queueing PDU "2 SUBSCRIBE <489>", transaction=z9hG4bK9601e091-3e13-e411-8a53-003018a5a721, token=4410dd91-3e13-e411-8a53-003018a5a721 hfxmicro 2014/07/26 16:26:58.473 0:00.790 Opal Liste...0xdbb64700 Opal Transport clean up on termination 2014/07/26 16:26:58.473 0:00.791 Opal Liste...0xdbb64700 Opal Transport Close 2014/07/26 16:26:58.474 0:00.792 SIP Attempting SRV record entry 0: 2014/07/26 16:26:58.474 0:00.791 Opal Liste...0xdbb64700 Opal Deleted transport udp$<if=udp$> 2014/07/26 16:26:58.475 0:00.792 SIP Transaction remote address is udp$ 2014/07/26 16:26:58.475 0:00.792 Pool:0xda0a3700 SIP Handling PDU "2 SUBSCRIBE <489>" for transaction=z9hG4bK9601e091-3e13-e411-8a53-003018a5a721 2014/07/26 16:26:58.475 0:00.793 Pool:0xda0a3700 SIP SUBSCRIBE transaction id=z9hG4bK9601e091-3e13-e411-8a53-003018a5a721 completed. 2014/07/26 16:26:58.476 0:00.793 Pool:0xda0a3700 OpalUDP Setting interface to 2014/07/26 16:26:58.476 0:00.793 Pool:0xda0a3700 SIP Not retrying SUBSCRIBE due to error response 489 Bad Event 2014/07/26 16:26:58.476 0:00.793 Pool:0xda0a3700 SIP Changing SUBSCRIBE handler from Subscribing to Unsubscribed, target=sip:501 ekiga net, id=4410dd91-3e13-e411-8a53-003018a5a721 hfxmicro 2014/07/26 16:26:58.476 0:00.793 Pool:0xda0a3700 SIP Handled PDU "2 SUBSCRIBE <489>" 2014/07/26 16:26:58.476 0:00.793 SIP Sending PDU (562 bytes) to: rem=udp$,local=udp$,if=
SUBSCRIBE sip:501 ekiga net SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK7acce591-3e13-e411-8a53-003018a5a721;rport
User-Agent: Ekiga/3.2.7
From: <sip:root 192 168 178 10>;tag=b857e591-3e13-e411-8a53-003018a5a721
Call-ID: a2c0e291-3e13-e411-8a53-003018a5a721 hfxmicro
To: <sip:501 ekiga net>
Contact: <sip:501 192 168 178 10:5061>
Accept: application/dialog-info+xml
Expires: 300
Event: dialog;sla;ma
Content-Length: 0
Max-Forwards: 70

2014/07/26 16:26:58.477 0:00.794 OpalUDP Setting interface to 2014/07/26 16:26:58.477 0:00.795 SIP Transaction timers set: retry=0.500, completion=6.000 2014/07/26 16:26:58.478 0:00.796 VideoOutputCoreConfBridge Updating video view 2014/07/26 16:26:58.479 0:00.796 VideoOutputCoreConfBridge Updating zoom 2014/07/26 16:26:58.480 0:00.797 VideoOutputCoreConfBridge Updating Video Settings 2014/07/26 16:26:58.481 0:00.798 VideoOutputCoreConfBridge Updating Video Settings 2014/07/26 16:26:58.481 0:00.798 VideoOutputCoreConfBridge Updating Video Settings 2014/07/26 16:26:58.481 0:00.798 VideoOutputCoreConfBridge Updating Video Settings 2014/07/26 16:26:58.481 0:00.799 VidInputCoreConfBridge Updating preview size and fps 2014/07/26 16:26:58.481 0:00.799 VidInputCore Setting new preview config: 176x144/30 2014/07/26 16:26:58.487 0:00.804 VidInputCoreConfBridge Updating preview size and fps 2014/07/26 16:26:58.487 0:00.804 VidInputCore Setting new preview config: 176x144/30 2014/07/26 16:26:58.493 0:00.810 VidInputCoreConfBridge Updating device 2014/07/26 16:26:58.493 0:00.810 VidinputCore Tried to set malformed device 2014/07/26 16:26:58.494 0:00.811 VidInputCore Setting device: Moving Logo (Moving Logo/Moving Logo) 2014/07/26 16:26:58.494 0:00.811 GMVideoInputManager_mlogo Setting Device Moving Logo 2014/07/26 16:26:58.494 0:00.811 VidInputCoreConfBridge Updating device 2014/07/26 16:26:58.494 0:00.811 VidinputCore Tried to set malformed device 2014/07/26 16:26:58.494 0:00.812 VidInputCore Setting device: Moving Logo (Moving Logo/Moving Logo) 2014/07/26 16:26:58.494 0:00.812 GMVideoInputManager_mlogo Setting Device Moving Logo 2014/07/26 16:26:58.495 0:00.812 VidInputCoreConfBridge Updating device 2014/07/26 16:26:58.495 0:00.812 VidinputCore Tried to set malformed device 2014/07/26 16:26:58.495 0:00.812 VidInputCore Setting device: Moving Logo (Moving Logo/Moving Logo) 2014/07/26 16:26:58.495 0:00.812 GMVideoInputManager_mlogo Setting Device Moving Logo 2014/07/26 16:26:58.495 0:00.812 VidInputCoreConfBridge Updating image 2014/07/26 16:26:58.496 0:00.813 VidInputCoreConfBridge Updating preview
2014/07/26 16:26:58.496      0:00.813     VidInputCore    Stopping Preview
2014/07/26 16:26:58.497 0:00.814 AudioOutputCoreConfBridge Updating device 2014/07/26 16:26:58.497 0:00.814 AudioOutputCore Tried to set malformed device 2014/07/26 16:26:58.497 0:00.814 AudioOutputCore Setting device[0]: SILENT (Ekiga/Ekiga) 2014/07/26 16:26:58.497 0:00.815 GMAudioOutputManager_null Setting Device[0] SILENT (Ekiga/Ekiga) 2014/07/26 16:26:58.498 0:00.815 AudioOutputCoreConfBridge Updating device 2014/07/26 16:26:58.498 0:00.815 AudioOutputCore Tried to set malformed device 2014/07/26 16:26:58.498 0:00.815 AudioOutputCore Setting device[1]: SILENT (Ekiga/Ekiga) 2014/07/26 16:26:58.502 0:00.819 AudioInputCoreConfBridge Updating device 2014/07/26 16:26:58.502 0:00.819 AudioInputCore Tried to set malformed device 2014/07/26 16:26:58.502 0:00.820 AudioInputCore Setting device: SILENT (Ekiga/Ekiga) 2014/07/26 16:26:58.502 0:00.820 GMAudioInputManager_null Setting Device SILENT (Ekiga/Ekiga) 2014/07/26 16:26:58.509 0:00.826 Opal Liste...0xdbb64700 OpalUDP Binding to interface: 2014/07/26 16:26:58.509 0:00.826 Opal Liste...0xdbb64700 SIP Waiting for PDU on udp$<if=udp$> 2014/07/26 16:26:58.510 0:00.828 Opal Liste...0xdbb64700 SIP PDU received: rem=udp$,local=udp$,if=
SIP/2.0 489 Event Not Supported
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK7acce591-3e13-e411-8a53-003018a5a721;rport=5061;received=
Server: Kamailio (1.5.3-notls (i386/linux))
From: <sip:root 192 168 178 10>;tag=b857e591-3e13-e411-8a53-003018a5a721
Call-ID: a2c0e291-3e13-e411-8a53-003018a5a721 hfxmicro
To: <sip:501 ekiga net>;tag=c64e1f832a41ec1c1f4e5673ac5b80f6.c89f
Content-Length: 0

remainder will follow in second reply
Am 26.07.2014 um 15:26 schrieb Eugen Dedu:
On 26/07/14 11:59, Thomas Hill wrote:

I am trying to use ekiga on the same machine as my asterisk server is
running on.
(note: my asterisk configuration is working fine as I can register the
account from a windows laptop using X-lite. I would however like to
switch to ekiga and have it running on my linux server which is up 24/7).

I am aware that asterisk and ekiga can not both be using port 5060 and
therefore changed the port ekiga is using to 5061 using the
gconf-editor. However still no success.

First of all, please use ekiga version 4, it is better.

Otherwise, your log is too short, it does not present the REGISTER exchange to see where the problem is.

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