[Ekiga-list] could not register (method not allowed)


I am trying to use ekiga on the same machine as my asterisk server is running on. (note: my asterisk configuration is working fine as I can register the account from a windows laptop using X-lite. I would however like to switch to ekiga and have it running on my linux server which is up 24/7).

I am aware that asterisk and ekiga can not both be using port 5060 and therefore changed the port ekiga is using to 5061 using the gconf-editor. However still no success.

Here is the debug output. Can someone please help? Thanks
dyna.cxx(128) DYNA Error loading libavcodec.so - libavcodec.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory dyna.cxx(128) DYNA Error loading CôxG/libavcodec.so - CôxG/libavcodec.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory dyna.cxx(128) DYNA Error loading ./libavcodec.so - ./libavcodec.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory dyna.cxx(128) DYNA Error loading /usr/local/lib/libavcodec.so - /usr/local/lib/libavcodec.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory dyna.cxx(128) DYNA Error loading avcodec-51.so - avcodec-51.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory dyna.cxx(128) DYNA Error loading CôxG/avcodec-51.so - CôxG/avcodec-51.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory dyna.cxx(128) DYNA Error loading ./avcodec-51.so - ./avcodec-51.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory dyna.cxx(128) DYNA Error loading /usr/local/lib/avcodec-51.so - /usr/local/lib/avcodec-51.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory dyna.cxx(128) DYNA Error loading avcodec-52.so - avcodec-52.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory dyna.cxx(128) DYNA Error loading CôxG/avcodec-52.so - CôxG/avcodec-52.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory dyna.cxx(128) DYNA Error loading ./avcodec-52.so - ./avcodec-52.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory dyna.cxx(128) DYNA Error loading /usr/local/lib/avcodec-52.so - /usr/local/lib/avcodec-52.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory dyna.cxx(221) MPEG4 DYNA Failed to load FFMPEG libavcodec library
       mpeg4.cxx(1978)    MPEG4    Codec    Disabled
dyna.cxx(128) DYNA Error loading libavcodec.so - libavcodec.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory dyna.cxx(128) DYNA Error loading D_xG/libavcodec.so - D_xG/libavcodec.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory dyna.cxx(128) DYNA Error loading ./libavcodec.so - ./libavcodec.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory dyna.cxx(128) DYNA Error loading /usr/local/lib/libavcodec.so - /usr/local/lib/libavcodec.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory dyna.cxx(128) DYNA Error loading avcodec-51.so - avcodec-51.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory dyna.cxx(128) DYNA Error loading D_xG/avcodec-51.so - D_xG/avcodec-51.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory dyna.cxx(128) DYNA Error loading ./avcodec-51.so - ./avcodec-51.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory dyna.cxx(128) DYNA Error loading /usr/local/lib/avcodec-51.so - /usr/local/lib/avcodec-51.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory dyna.cxx(128) DYNA Error loading avcodec-52.so - avcodec-52.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory dyna.cxx(128) DYNA Error loading D_xG/avcodec-52.so - D_xG/avcodec-52.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory dyna.cxx(128) DYNA Error loading ./avcodec-52.so - ./avcodec-52.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory dyna.cxx(128) DYNA Error loading /usr/local/lib/avcodec-52.so - /usr/local/lib/avcodec-52.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory dyna.cxx(221) H263+ DYNA Failed to load FFMPEG libavcodec library
   h263-1998.cxx(2087)    H.263    Codec    Disabled
2014/07/26 11:37:11.506 0:00.165 Version 3.2.7 by on Unix Linux (2.6.32-5-amd64-x86_64) with PTLib (v2.6.7) at 2014/7/26 11:37:11.506
2014/07/26 11:37:11.506      0:00.166 Ekiga git revision: unknown
2014/07/26 11:37:11.518 0:00.178 Ekiga registered on D-Bus: org.ekiga.Ekiga 2014/07/26 11:37:11.522 0:00.181 PWLib File handle high water mark set: 19 Thread unblock pipe
2014/07/26 11:37:11.523      0:00.182 PTLib    Thread high water mark set: 2
2014/07/26 11:37:11.523 0:00.182 PWLib File handle high water mark set: 21 Thread unblock pipe
2014/07/26 11:37:11.523      0:00.182 PTLib    Thread high water mark set: 3
2014/07/26 11:37:11.523 0:00.183 PWLib File handle high water mark set: 23 Thread unblock pipe 2014/07/26 11:37:11.526 0:00.185 PWLib File handle high water mark set: 25 Thread unblock pipe
2014/07/26 11:37:11.529      0:00.188 PTLib    Thread high water mark set: 4
2014/07/26 11:37:11.530 0:00.189 HalManager_dbus Initialising HAL Manager 2014/07/26 11:37:11.533 0:00.192 HalManager_dbus Populating device list 2014/07/26 11:37:11.536 0:00.195 HalManager_dbus Populating full device list failed - The name org.freedesktop.Hal was not provided by any .service files 2014/07/26 11:37:11.538 0:00.197 HalManager_dbus Populating interface list 2014/07/26 11:37:11.539 0:00.199 HalManager_dbus Populating full interface list failed - Method "getDevices" with signature "" on interface "org.freedesktop.NetworkManager" doesn't exist

2014/07/26 11:37:11.562      0:00.221 Detecting V4L2 devices
2014/07/26 11:37:11.562      0:00.222 Unable to detect v4l2 directory
2014/07/26 11:37:11.581 0:00.240 PWLib File handle high water mark set: 30 Thread unblock pipe
2014/07/26 11:37:11.582      0:00.241 PTLib    Thread high water mark set: 5
2014/07/26 11:37:11.582      0:00.241 OpalMan    Created manager.
2014/07/26 11:37:11.582 0:00.242 OpalMan Attached endpoint with prefix pc
2014/07/26 11:37:11.583      0:00.242 OpalEP    Created endpoint: pc
2014/07/26 11:37:11.663 0:00.322 PCSS Created PC sound system endpoint.
HDA Intel
HDA Intel (1)
HDA Intel

2014/07/26 11:37:11.664      0:00.323 OPAL    SetMediaFormatOrder()
2014/07/26 11:37:11.664      0:00.323 OPAL    SetMediaFormatMask()
2014/07/26 11:37:11.665 0:00.324 OpalMan Attached endpoint with prefix sip
2014/07/26 11:37:11.665      0:00.325 OpalEP    Created endpoint: sip
2014/07/26 11:37:11.666 0:00.325 PWLib File handle high water mark set: 31 PUDPSocket
2014/07/26 11:37:11.666      0:00.326 IfaceMon    Initial interface list: [00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01] <00-00-00-00-00-00> (lo) [fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:02:30:18:ff:fe:a5:a7:21] <00-30-18-A5-A7-21> (br0)

2014/07/26 11:37:11.666 0:00.326 PWLib File handle high water mark set: 32 Thread unblock pipe
2014/07/26 11:37:11.667      0:00.326 PTLib    Thread high water mark set: 6
2014/07/26 11:37:11.667 0:00.326 Network In...0x8c5f1700 IfaceMon Started interface monitor thread. 2014/07/26 11:37:11.667 0:00.326 PWLib File handle high water mark set: 34 Thread unblock pipe
2014/07/26 11:37:11.667      0:00.326 PTLib    Thread high water mark set: 7
2014/07/26 11:37:11.667 0:00.327 Network In...0x8c5f1700 PWLib File handle high water mark set: 35 PUDPSocket 2014/07/26 11:37:11.668 0:00.327 OpalMan Attached endpoint with prefix sips
2014/07/26 11:37:11.668      0:00.327 SIP    Created endpoint.
2014/07/26 11:37:11.669 0:00.328 MonSock Created socket bundle for all interfaces. 2014/07/26 11:37:11.669 0:00.328 PWLib File handle high water mark set: 36 PUDPSocket 2014/07/26 11:37:11.669 0:00.329 MonSock Created bundled UDP socket 2014/07/26 11:37:11.670 0:00.329 PWLib File handle high water mark set: 38 Thread unblock pipe
2014/07/26 11:37:11.670      0:00.329 PTLib    Thread high water mark set: 8
2014/07/26 11:37:11.670 0:00.329 Opal Liste...0x766a7700 Listen Started listening thread on udp$*:5061
2014/07/26 11:37:11.670      0:00.330 OpalMan    Added route "sip:.*=pc:*"
2014/07/26 11:37:11.671 0:00.330 OpalMan Added route "pc:.*=sip:<da>" 2014/07/26 11:37:11.671 0:00.330 OpalMan Attached endpoint with prefix h323
2014/07/26 11:37:11.671      0:00.331 OpalEP    Created endpoint: h323
2014/07/26 11:37:11.672 0:00.331 OpalMan Attached endpoint with prefix h323s
2014/07/26 11:37:11.672      0:00.331 H323    Created endpoint.
2014/07/26 11:37:11.672 0:00.331 PWLib File handle high water mark set: 39 PTCPSocket 2014/07/26 11:37:11.672 0:00.331 Listen Open (REUSEADDR) on failed: Address already in use 2014/07/26 11:37:11.672 0:00.332 Listen Stopping listening thread on tcp$*:1720 2014/07/26 11:37:11.673 0:00.332 OpalEP Could not start listener: tcp$*:1720 2014/07/26 11:37:11.673 0:00.332 OpalMan Added route "h323:.*=pc:<db>" 2014/07/26 11:37:11.673 0:00.333 OpalMan Added route "pc:.*=h323:<da>" 2014/07/26 11:37:11.694 0:00.354 MediaFormat Removing codecs SpeexIETFWide-20.6k,SpeexWB,SpeexWide-20.6k,G.711-uLaw-64k,G.711-ALaw-64k,theora,H.261,H.261-CIF,H.261-QCIF 2014/07/26 11:37:11.696 0:00.355 OPAL SetMediaFormatMask(PCM-16-48kHz,CELT-48K,PCM-16-32kHz,CELT-32K,PCM-16-16kHz,G.722-64k,PCM-16,G.726-16k,G.726-24k,G.726-32k,G.726-40k,GSM-06.10,GSM-AMR,LPC-10,MS-GSM,MS-IMA-ADPCM,SpeexIETFNarrow-11k,SpeexIETFNarrow-15k,SpeexIETFNarrow-18.2k,SpeexIETFNarrow-24.6k,SpeexIETFNarrow-5.95k,SpeexIETFNarrow-8k,SpeexNB,SpeexWNarrow-8k,YUV420P,RFC4175_YCbCr-4:2:0,RGB32,RGB24,RFC4175_RGB,SIP-IM,T.140,H.224/H323AnnexQ,H.224/HDLCTunneling,Linear-16-Stereo-48kHz) 2014/07/26 11:37:11.696 0:00.355 OPAL SetMediaFormatOrder(SpeexIETFWide-20.6k,SpeexWB,SpeexWide-20.6k,G.711-uLaw-64k,G.711-ALaw-64k,theora,H.261,H.261-CIF,H.261-QCIF) 2014/07/26 11:37:11.715 0:00.374 MediaFormat Removing codecs SpeexIETFWide-20.6k,SpeexWB,SpeexWide-20.6k,G.711-uLaw-64k,G.711-ALaw-64k,theora,H.261,H.261-CIF,H.261-QCIF 2014/07/26 11:37:11.716 0:00.375 OPAL SetMediaFormatMask(PCM-16-48kHz,CELT-48K,PCM-16-32kHz,CELT-32K,PCM-16-16kHz,G.722-64k,PCM-16,G.726-16k,G.726-24k,G.726-32k,G.726-40k,GSM-06.10,GSM-AMR,LPC-10,MS-GSM,MS-IMA-ADPCM,SpeexIETFNarrow-11k,SpeexIETFNarrow-15k,SpeexIETFNarrow-18.2k,SpeexIETFNarrow-24.6k,SpeexIETFNarrow-5.95k,SpeexIETFNarrow-8k,SpeexNB,SpeexWNarrow-8k,YUV420P,RFC4175_YCbCr-4:2:0,RGB32,RGB24,RFC4175_RGB,SIP-IM,T.140,H.224/H323AnnexQ,H.224/HDLCTunneling,Linear-16-Stereo-48kHz) 2014/07/26 11:37:11.716 0:00.375 OPAL SetMediaFormatOrder(SpeexIETFWide-20.6k,SpeexWB,SpeexWide-20.6k,G.711-uLaw-64k,G.711-ALaw-64k,theora,H.261,H.261-CIF,H.261-QCIF) 2014/07/26 11:37:11.860 0:00.519 PWLib File handle high water mark set: 41 PUDPSocket 2014/07/26 11:37:11.860 0:00.520 SIP Changing SUBSCRIBE handler from Unavailable to Subscribing, target=sip:500 ekiga net, id=0613ad16-1613-e411-8182-003018a5a721 hfxmicro 2014/07/26 11:37:11.861 0:00.520 DNS SRV Lookup ekiga.net service _sip._udp 2014/07/26 11:37:11.981 0:00.640 SIP Attempting SRV record entry 0: 2014/07/26 11:37:11.981 0:00.641 OpalUDP Binding to interface: 2014/07/26 11:37:11.982 0:00.641 SIP Created transport udp$<if=udp$*:5061> 2014/07/26 11:37:11.983 0:00.642 OpalUDP Started connect to 2014/07/26 11:37:11.983 0:00.642 OpalUDP Writing to interface 0 - "" 2014/07/26 11:37:11.984 0:00.643 OpalMan Listener interfaces: associated transport=None
2014/07/26 11:37:11.987      0:00.646 SIP    Transaction created.
2014/07/26 11:37:11.993 0:00.652 DNS SRV Lookup ekiga.net service _sip._udp 2014/07/26 11:37:12.005 0:00.664 SIP Attempting SRV record entry 0: 2014/07/26 11:37:12.005 0:00.665 SIP Transaction remote address is udp$ 2014/07/26 11:37:12.006 0:00.665 SIP Sending PDU (551 bytes) to: rem=udp$,local=udp$,if=
SUBSCRIBE sip:500 ekiga net SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKe6ddc016-1613-e411-8182-003018a5a721;rport
User-Agent: Ekiga/3.2.7
From: <sip:root 192 168 178 10>;tag=8661c016-1613-e411-8182-003018a5a721
Call-ID: 0613ad16-1613-e411-8182-003018a5a721 hfxmicro
To: <sip:500 ekiga net>
Contact: <sip:root 192 168 178 10:5061>
Accept: application/pidf+xml
Expires: 300
Event: presence
Content-Length: 0
Max-Forwards: 70

2014/07/26 11:37:12.008 0:00.667 OpalUDP Setting interface to 2014/07/26 11:37:12.008 0:00.667 SIP Transaction timers set: retry=0.500, completion=6.000 2014/07/26 11:37:12.009 0:00.668 SIP Changing SUBSCRIBE handler from Unavailable to Subscribing, target=sip:500 ekiga net, id=96c6c316-1613-e411-8182-003018a5a721 hfxmicro 2014/07/26 11:37:12.009 0:00.669 DNS SRV Lookup ekiga.net service _sip._udp 2014/07/26 11:37:12.021 0:00.680 SIP Attempting SRV record entry 0: 2014/07/26 11:37:12.021 0:00.680 OpalUDP Binding to interface: 2014/07/26 11:37:12.021 0:00.681 SIP Created transport udp$<if=udp$*:5061> 2014/07/26 11:37:12.022 0:00.682 OpalUDP Started connect to 2014/07/26 11:37:12.023 0:00.682 OpalUDP Writing to interface 0 - "" 2014/07/26 11:37:12.023 0:00.683 OpalMan Listener interfaces: associated transport=None
2014/07/26 11:37:12.026      0:00.686 SIP    Transaction created.
2014/07/26 11:37:12.032 0:00.692 DNS SRV Lookup ekiga.net service _sip._udp 2014/07/26 11:37:12.039 0:00.698 Opal Liste...0x766a7700 PWLib File handle high water mark set: 42 PUDPSocket 2014/07/26 11:37:12.039 0:00.699 Opal Liste...0x766a7700 OpalUDP Binding to interface: 2014/07/26 11:37:12.040 0:00.699 Opal Liste...0x766a7700 SIP Waiting for PDU on udp$<if=udp$> 2014/07/26 11:37:12.042 0:00.701 Opal Liste...0x766a7700 SIP PDU received: rem=udp$,local=udp$,if=
SIP/2.0 489 Event Not Supported
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKe6ddc016-1613-e411-8182-003018a5a721;rport=5061;received=
Server: Kamailio (1.5.3-notls (i386/linux))
From: <sip:root 192 168 178 10>;tag=8661c016-1613-e411-8182-003018a5a721
Call-ID: 0613ad16-1613-e411-8182-003018a5a721 hfxmicro
To: <sip:500 ekiga net>;tag=c64e1f832a41ec1c1f4e5673ac5b80f6.dfd5
Content-Length: 0

2014/07/26 11:37:12.044 0:00.703 Opal Liste...0x766a7700 SIP Queueing PDU "2 SUBSCRIBE <489>", transaction=z9hG4bKe6ddc016-1613-e411-8182-003018a5a721, token=0613ad16-1613-e411-8182-003018a5a721 hfxmicro 2014/07/26 11:37:12.044 0:00.703 SIP Attempting SRV record entry 0: 2014/07/26 11:37:12.044 0:00.703 Opal Liste...0x766a7700 PTLib Thread high water mark set: 9 2014/07/26 11:37:12.044 0:00.704 SIP Transaction remote address is udp$ 2014/07/26 11:37:12.045 0:00.704 Pool:0x74be6700 SIP Handling PDU "2 SUBSCRIBE <489>" for transaction=z9hG4bKe6ddc016-1613-e411-8182-003018a5a721 2014/07/26 11:37:12.045 0:00.704 Pool:0x74be6700 SIP SUBSCRIBE transaction id=z9hG4bKe6ddc016-1613-e411-8182-003018a5a721 completed. 2014/07/26 11:37:12.045 0:00.704 Pool:0x74be6700 OpalUDP Setting interface to 2014/07/26 11:37:12.045 0:00.705 Pool:0x74be6700 SIP Not retrying SUBSCRIBE due to error response 489 Bad Event 2014/07/26 11:37:12.046 0:00.705 Pool:0x74be6700 SIP Changing SUBSCRIBE handler from Subscribing to Unsubscribed, target=sip:500 ekiga net, id=0613ad16-1613-e411-8182-003018a5a721 hfxmicro 2014/07/26 11:37:12.046 0:00.705 Pool:0x74be6700 SIP Handled PDU "2 SUBSCRIBE <489>" 2014/07/26 11:37:12.046 0:00.705 Opal Liste...0x766a7700 Opal Transport clean up on termination 2014/07/26 11:37:12.046 0:00.705 Opal Liste...0x766a7700 Opal Transport Close 2014/07/26 11:37:12.046 0:00.706 PWLib File handle high water mark set: 43 PUDPSocket 2014/07/26 11:37:12.045 0:00.704 SIP Sending PDU (562 bytes) to: rem=udp$,local=udp$,if=
SUBSCRIBE sip:500 ekiga net SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKdedfc616-1613-e411-8182-003018a5a721;rport
User-Agent: Ekiga/3.2.7
From: <sip:root 192 168 178 10>;tag=d06bc616-1613-e411-8182-003018a5a721
Call-ID: 96c6c316-1613-e411-8182-003018a5a721 hfxmicro
To: <sip:500 ekiga net>
Contact: <sip:500 192 168 178 10:5061>
Accept: application/dialog-info+xml
Expires: 300
Event: dialog;sla;ma
Content-Length: 0
Max-Forwards: 70

2014/07/26 11:37:12.047 0:00.707 OpalUDP Setting interface to 2014/07/26 11:37:12.048 0:00.707 SIP Transaction timers set: retry=0.500, completion=6.000 2014/07/26 11:37:12.047 0:00.706 Opal Liste...0x766a7700 Opal Deleted transport udp$<if=udp$> 2014/07/26 11:37:12.050 0:00.709 SIP Changing SUBSCRIBE handler from Unavailable to Subscribing, target=sip:501 ekiga net, id=98ffc916-1613-e411-8182-003018a5a721 hfxmicro 2014/07/26 11:37:12.050 0:00.709 DNS SRV Lookup ekiga.net service _sip._udp 2014/07/26 11:37:12.062 0:00.721 SIP Attempting SRV record entry 0: 2014/07/26 11:37:12.063 0:00.722 OpalUDP Binding to interface: 2014/07/26 11:37:12.063 0:00.722 SIP Created transport udp$<if=udp$*:5061> 2014/07/26 11:37:12.064 0:00.723 OpalUDP Started connect to 2014/07/26 11:37:12.064 0:00.723 OpalUDP Writing to interface 0 - "" 2014/07/26 11:37:12.065 0:00.724 OpalMan Listener interfaces: associated transport=None
2014/07/26 11:37:12.068      0:00.727 SIP    Transaction created.
2014/07/26 11:37:12.074 0:00.733 DNS SRV Lookup ekiga.net service _sip._udp 2014/07/26 11:37:12.079 0:00.738 Opal Liste...0x766a7700 PWLib File handle high water mark set: 44 PUDPSocket 2014/07/26 11:37:12.079 0:00.738 Opal Liste...0x766a7700 OpalUDP Binding to interface: 2014/07/26 11:37:12.079 0:00.738 Opal Liste...0x766a7700 SIP Waiting for PDU on udp$<if=udp$> 2014/07/26 11:37:12.080 0:00.740 Opal Liste...0x766a7700 SIP PDU received: rem=udp$,local=udp$,if=
SIP/2.0 489 Event Not Supported
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKdedfc616-1613-e411-8182-003018a5a721;rport=5061;received=
Server: Kamailio (1.5.3-notls (i386/linux))
From: <sip:root 192 168 178 10>;tag=d06bc616-1613-e411-8182-003018a5a721
Call-ID: 96c6c316-1613-e411-8182-003018a5a721 hfxmicro
To: <sip:500 ekiga net>;tag=c64e1f832a41ec1c1f4e5673ac5b80f6.64d6
Content-Length: 0

2014/07/26 11:37:12.082 0:00.741 Opal Liste...0x766a7700 SIP Queueing PDU "2 SUBSCRIBE <489>", transaction=z9hG4bKdedfc616-1613-e411-8182-003018a5a721, token=96c6c316-1613-e411-8182-003018a5a721 hfxmicro 2014/07/26 11:37:12.082 0:00.741 Opal Liste...0x766a7700 Opal Transport clean up on termination 2014/07/26 11:37:12.082 0:00.741 Opal Liste...0x766a7700 Opal Transport Close 2014/07/26 11:37:12.082 0:00.741 Opal Liste...0x766a7700 Opal Deleted transport udp$<if=udp$> 2014/07/26 11:37:12.083 0:00.742 Pool:0x74be6700 SIP Handling PDU "2 SUBSCRIBE <489>" for transaction=z9hG4bKdedfc616-1613-e411-8182-003018a5a721 2014/07/26 11:37:12.083 0:00.743 Pool:0x74be6700 SIP SUBSCRIBE transaction id=z9hG4bKdedfc616-1613-e411-8182-003018a5a721 completed. 2014/07/26 11:37:12.084 0:00.743 Pool:0x74be6700 OpalUDP Setting interface to 2014/07/26 11:37:12.084 0:00.743 Pool:0x74be6700 SIP Not retrying SUBSCRIBE due to error response 489 Bad Event 2014/07/26 11:37:12.084 0:00.743 Pool:0x74be6700 SIP Changing SUBSCRIBE handler from Subscribing to Unsubscribed, target=sip:500 ekiga net, id=96c6c316-1613-e411-8182-003018a5a721 hfxmicro 2014/07/26 11:37:12.084 0:00.743 Pool:0x74be6700 SIP Handled PDU "2 SUBSCRIBE <489>" 2014/07/26 11:37:12.086 0:00.745 SIP Attempting SRV record entry 0: 2014/07/26 11:37:12.086 0:00.745 SIP Transaction remote address is udp$ 2014/07/26 11:37:12.087 0:00.746 PWLib File handle low water mark set: 43 PUDPSocket 2014/07/26 11:37:12.087 0:00.746 SIP Sending PDU (551 bytes) to: rem=udp$,local=udp$,if=
SUBSCRIBE sip:501 ekiga net SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKb831cd16-1613-e411-8182-003018a5a721;rport
User-Agent: Ekiga/3.2.7
From: <sip:root 192 168 178 10>;tag=a0b8cc16-1613-e411-8182-003018a5a721
Call-ID: 98ffc916-1613-e411-8182-003018a5a721 hfxmicro
To: <sip:501 ekiga net>
Contact: <sip:root 192 168 178 10:5061>
Accept: application/pidf+xml
Expires: 300
Event: presence
Content-Length: 0
Max-Forwards: 70

2014/07/26 11:37:12.088 0:00.747 OpalUDP Setting interface to 2014/07/26 11:37:12.088 0:00.747 SIP Transaction timers set: retry=0.500, completion=6.000 2014/07/26 11:37:12.089 0:00.748 SIP Changing SUBSCRIBE handler from Unavailable to Subscribing, target=sip:501 ekiga net, id=68edcf16-1613-e411-8182-003018a5a721 hfxmicro 2014/07/26 11:37:12.089 0:00.748 DNS SRV Lookup ekiga.net service _sip._udp 2014/07/26 11:37:12.100 0:00.759 SIP Attempting SRV record entry 0: 2014/07/26 11:37:12.101 0:00.760 OpalUDP Binding to interface: 2014/07/26 11:37:12.101 0:00.760 SIP Created transport udp$<if=udp$*:5061> 2014/07/26 11:37:12.102 0:00.761 OpalUDP Started connect to 2014/07/26 11:37:12.102 0:00.762 OpalUDP Writing to interface 0 - "" 2014/07/26 11:37:12.103 0:00.762 OpalMan Listener interfaces: associated transport=None
2014/07/26 11:37:12.106      0:00.765 SIP    Transaction created.
2014/07/26 11:37:12.112 0:00.771 DNS SRV Lookup ekiga.net service _sip._udp 2014/07/26 11:37:12.118 0:00.777 Opal Liste...0x766a7700 OpalUDP Binding to interface: 2014/07/26 11:37:12.118 0:00.777 Opal Liste...0x766a7700 SIP Waiting for PDU on udp$<if=udp$> 2014/07/26 11:37:12.119 0:00.779 Opal Liste...0x766a7700 SIP PDU received: rem=udp$,local=udp$,if=
SIP/2.0 489 Event Not Supported
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKb831cd16-1613-e411-8182-003018a5a721;rport=5061;received=
Server: Kamailio (1.5.3-notls (i386/linux))
From: <sip:root 192 168 178 10>;tag=a0b8cc16-1613-e411-8182-003018a5a721
Call-ID: 98ffc916-1613-e411-8182-003018a5a721 hfxmicro
To: <sip:501 ekiga net>;tag=c64e1f832a41ec1c1f4e5673ac5b80f6.bee1
Content-Length: 0

2014/07/26 11:37:12.121 0:00.780 Opal Liste...0x766a7700 SIP Queueing PDU "2 SUBSCRIBE <489>", transaction=z9hG4bKb831cd16-1613-e411-8182-003018a5a721, token=98ffc916-1613-e411-8182-003018a5a721 hfxmicro 2014/07/26 11:37:12.121 0:00.780 Opal Liste...0x766a7700 Opal Transport clean up on termination 2014/07/26 11:37:12.121 0:00.780 Opal Liste...0x766a7700 Opal Transport Close 2014/07/26 11:37:12.121 0:00.780 Opal Liste...0x766a7700 Opal Deleted transport udp$<if=udp$> 2014/07/26 11:37:12.123 0:00.782 Pool:0x74be6700 SIP Handling PDU "2 SUBSCRIBE <489>" for transaction=z9hG4bKb831cd16-1613-e411-8182-003018a5a721 2014/07/26 11:37:12.123 0:00.782 Pool:0x74be6700 SIP SUBSCRIBE transaction id=z9hG4bKb831cd16-1613-e411-8182-003018a5a721 completed. 2014/07/26 11:37:12.123 0:00.782 Pool:0x74be6700 OpalUDP Setting interface to 2014/07/26 11:37:12.123 0:00.783 Pool:0x74be6700 SIP Not retrying SUBSCRIBE due to error response 489 Bad Event 2014/07/26 11:37:12.124 0:00.783 Pool:0x74be6700 SIP Changing SUBSCRIBE handler from Subscribing to Unsubscribed, target=sip:501 ekiga net, id=98ffc916-1613-e411-8182-003018a5a721 hfxmicro 2014/07/26 11:37:12.124 0:00.783 SIP Attempting SRV record entry 0: 2014/07/26 11:37:12.124 0:00.783 Pool:0x74be6700 SIP Handled PDU "2 SUBSCRIBE <489>" 2014/07/26 11:37:12.124 0:00.783 SIP Transaction remote address is udp$ 2014/07/26 11:37:12.125 0:00.784 SIP Sending PDU (562 bytes) to: rem=udp$,local=udp$,if=
SUBSCRIBE sip:501 ekiga net SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKcc08d316-1613-e411-8182-003018a5a721;rport
User-Agent: Ekiga/3.2.7
From: <sip:root 192 168 178 10>;tag=ca92d216-1613-e411-8182-003018a5a721
Call-ID: 68edcf16-1613-e411-8182-003018a5a721 hfxmicro
To: <sip:501 ekiga net>
Contact: <sip:501 192 168 178 10:5061>
Accept: application/dialog-info+xml
Expires: 300
Event: dialog;sla;ma
Content-Length: 0
Max-Forwards: 70

2014/07/26 11:37:12.126 0:00.785 OpalUDP Setting interface to 2014/07/26 11:37:12.126 0:00.785 SIP Transaction timers set: retry=0.500, completion=6.000 2014/07/26 11:37:12.127 0:00.786 VideoOutputCoreConfBridge Updating video view 2014/07/26 11:37:12.128 0:00.787 VideoOutputCoreConfBridge Updating zoom 2014/07/26 11:37:12.128 0:00.788 VideoOutputCoreConfBridge Updating Video Settings 2014/07/26 11:37:12.130 0:00.789 VideoOutputCoreConfBridge Updating Video Settings 2014/07/26 11:37:12.130 0:00.789 VideoOutputCoreConfBridge Updating Video Settings 2014/07/26 11:37:12.130 0:00.790 VideoOutputCoreConfBridge Updating Video Settings 2014/07/26 11:37:12.131 0:00.790 VidInputCoreConfBridge Updating preview size and fps 2014/07/26 11:37:12.131 0:00.790 VidInputCore Setting new preview config: 176x144/30 2014/07/26 11:37:12.138 0:00.798 VidInputCoreConfBridge Updating preview size and fps 2014/07/26 11:37:12.139 0:00.798 VidInputCore Setting new preview config: 176x144/30 2014/07/26 11:37:12.147 0:00.806 VidInputCoreConfBridge Updating device 2014/07/26 11:37:12.147 0:00.806 VidinputCore Tried to set malformed device 2014/07/26 11:37:12.148 0:00.807 VidInputCore Setting device: Moving Logo (Moving Logo/Moving Logo) 2014/07/26 11:37:12.148 0:00.808 GMVideoInputManager_mlogo Setting Device Moving Logo 2014/07/26 11:37:12.149 0:00.808 VidInputCoreConfBridge Updating device 2014/07/26 11:37:12.149 0:00.808 VidinputCore Tried to set malformed device 2014/07/26 11:37:12.149 0:00.808 VidInputCore Setting device: Moving Logo (Moving Logo/Moving Logo) 2014/07/26 11:37:12.149 0:00.808 GMVideoInputManager_mlogo Setting Device Moving Logo 2014/07/26 11:37:12.149 0:00.808 VidInputCoreConfBridge Updating device 2014/07/26 11:37:12.149 0:00.808 VidinputCore Tried to set malformed device 2014/07/26 11:37:12.149 0:00.808 VidInputCore Setting device: Moving Logo (Moving Logo/Moving Logo) 2014/07/26 11:37:12.149 0:00.809 GMVideoInputManager_mlogo Setting Device Moving Logo 2014/07/26 11:37:12.150 0:00.809 VidInputCoreConfBridge Updating image 2014/07/26 11:37:12.150 0:00.810 VidInputCoreConfBridge Updating preview
2014/07/26 11:37:12.150      0:00.810 VidInputCore    Stopping Preview
2014/07/26 11:37:12.151 0:00.810 AudioOutputCoreConfBridge Updating device 2014/07/26 11:37:12.151 0:00.810 AudioOutputCore Tried to set malformed device 2014/07/26 11:37:12.151 0:00.810 AudioOutputCore Setting device[0]: SILENT (Ekiga/Ekiga) 2014/07/26 11:37:12.151 0:00.811 GMAudioOutputManager_null Setting Device[0] SILENT (Ekiga/Ekiga) 2014/07/26 11:37:12.152 0:00.811 AudioOutputCoreConfBridge Updating device 2014/07/26 11:37:12.152 0:00.811 AudioOutputCore Tried to set malformed device 2014/07/26 11:37:12.152 0:00.811 AudioOutputCore Setting device[1]: SILENT (Ekiga/Ekiga) 2014/07/26 11:37:12.156 0:00.816 AudioInputCoreConfBridge Updating device 2014/07/26 11:37:12.157 0:00.816 AudioInputCore Tried to set malformed device 2014/07/26 11:37:12.157 0:00.816 AudioInputCore Setting device: SILENT (Ekiga/Ekiga) 2014/07/26 11:37:12.157 0:00.816 Opal Liste...0x766a7700 OpalUDP Binding to interface: 2014/07/26 11:37:12.158 0:00.817 GMAudioInputManager_null Setting Device SILENT (Ekiga/Ekiga) 2014/07/26 11:37:12.157 0:00.816 Opal Liste...0x766a7700 SIP Waiting for PDU on udp$<if=udp$> 2014/07/26 11:37:12.159 0:00.818 Opal Liste...0x766a7700 SIP PDU received: rem=udp$,local=udp$,if=
SIP/2.0 489 Event Not Supported
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKcc08d316-1613-e411-8182-003018a5a721;rport=5061;received=
Server: Kamailio (1.5.3-notls (i386/linux))
From: <sip:root 192 168 178 10>;tag=ca92d216-1613-e411-8182-003018a5a721
Call-ID: 68edcf16-1613-e411-8182-003018a5a721 hfxmicro
To: <sip:501 ekiga net>;tag=c64e1f832a41ec1c1f4e5673ac5b80f6.7d21
Content-Length: 0

2014/07/26 11:37:12.160 0:00.820 Opal Liste...0x766a7700 SIP Queueing PDU "2 SUBSCRIBE <489>", transaction=z9hG4bKcc08d316-1613-e411-8182-003018a5a721, token=68edcf16-1613-e411-8182-003018a5a721 hfxmicro 2014/07/26 11:37:12.160 0:00.820 Opal Liste...0x766a7700 Opal Transport clean up on termination 2014/07/26 11:37:12.161 0:00.820 Opal Liste...0x766a7700 Opal Transport Close 2014/07/26 11:37:12.161 0:00.820 Opal Liste...0x766a7700 Opal Deleted transport udp$<if=udp$> 2014/07/26 11:37:12.162 0:00.821 Pool:0x74be6700 SIP Handling PDU "2 SUBSCRIBE <489>" for transaction=z9hG4bKcc08d316-1613-e411-8182-003018a5a721 2014/07/26 11:37:12.162 0:00.822 Pool:0x74be6700 SIP SUBSCRIBE transaction id=z9hG4bKcc08d316-1613-e411-8182-003018a5a721 completed. 2014/07/26 11:37:12.163 0:00.822 Pool:0x74be6700 OpalUDP Setting interface to 2014/07/26 11:37:12.163 0:00.822 Pool:0x74be6700 SIP Not retrying SUBSCRIBE due to error response 489 Bad Event 2014/07/26 11:37:12.163 0:00.822 Pool:0x74be6700 SIP Changing SUBSCRIBE handler from Subscribing to Unsubscribed, target=sip:501 ekiga net, id=68edcf16-1613-e411-8182-003018a5a721 hfxmicro 2014/07/26 11:37:12.163 0:00.822 Pool:0x74be6700 SIP Handled PDU "2 SUBSCRIBE <489>"
2014/07/26 11:37:12.337      0:00.996 Ekiga version 3.2.7
2014/07/26 11:37:12.337      0:00.997 OPAL version 3.6.8
2014/07/26 11:37:12.337      0:00.997 PTLIB version 2.6.7
2014/07/26 11:37:12.338      0:00.997 GNOME support disabled
2014/07/26 11:37:12.338      0:00.997 Accelerated rendering support enabled
2014/07/26 11:37:12.338      0:00.997 DBUS support enabled
2014/07/26 11:37:12.338      0:00.997 GConf support enabled
2014/07/26 11:37:12.338      0:00.997 ESound support disabled
2014/07/26 11:37:12.582 0:01.242 Opal Garbage:0x8c632700 SIP Deleting SIPSubscribeHandler sip:500 ekiga net 2014/07/26 11:37:12.583 0:01.242 Opal Garbage:0x8c632700 Opal Transport clean up on termination 2014/07/26 11:37:12.583 0:01.242 Opal Garbage:0x8c632700 Opal Transport Close 2014/07/26 11:37:12.583 0:01.242 Opal Garbage:0x8c632700 Opal Transport clean up on termination 2014/07/26 11:37:12.583 0:01.242 Opal Garbage:0x8c632700 Opal Transport Close 2014/07/26 11:37:12.583 0:01.242 Opal Garbage:0x8c632700 Opal Deleted transport udp$<if=udp$> 2014/07/26 11:37:12.584 0:01.243 Opal Garbage:0x8c632700 SIP Deleted handler. 2014/07/26 11:37:12.585 0:01.244 Opal Garbage:0x8c632700 SIP Deleting SIPSubscribeHandler sip:500 ekiga net 2014/07/26 11:37:12.585 0:01.244 Opal Garbage:0x8c632700 Opal Transport clean up on termination 2014/07/26 11:37:12.585 0:01.244 Opal Garbage:0x8c632700 Opal Transport Close 2014/07/26 11:37:12.585 0:01.244 Opal Garbage:0x8c632700 Opal Transport clean up on termination 2014/07/26 11:37:12.585 0:01.245 Opal Garbage:0x8c632700 Opal Transport Close 2014/07/26 11:37:12.585 0:01.245 Opal Garbage:0x8c632700 Opal Deleted transport udp$<if=udp$> 2014/07/26 11:37:12.587 0:01.246 Opal Garbage:0x8c632700 SIP Deleted handler. 2014/07/26 11:37:12.587 0:01.247 Opal Garbage:0x8c632700 SIP Deleting SIPSubscribeHandler sip:501 ekiga net 2014/07/26 11:37:12.587 0:01.247 Opal Garbage:0x8c632700 Opal Transport clean up on termination 2014/07/26 11:37:12.588 0:01.247 Opal Garbage:0x8c632700 Opal Transport Close 2014/07/26 11:37:12.588 0:01.247 Opal Garbage:0x8c632700 Opal Transport clean up on termination 2014/07/26 11:37:12.588 0:01.247 Opal Garbage:0x8c632700 Opal Transport Close 2014/07/26 11:37:12.588 0:01.247 Opal Garbage:0x8c632700 Opal Deleted transport udp$<if=udp$> 2014/07/26 11:37:12.590 0:01.249 Opal Garbage:0x8c632700 SIP Deleted handler. 2014/07/26 11:37:12.590 0:01.249 Opal Garbage:0x8c632700 SIP Deleting SIPSubscribeHandler sip:501 ekiga net 2014/07/26 11:37:12.590 0:01.249 Opal Garbage:0x8c632700 Opal Transport clean up on termination 2014/07/26 11:37:12.590 0:01.250 Opal Garbage:0x8c632700 Opal Transport Close 2014/07/26 11:37:12.591 0:01.250 Opal Garbage:0x8c632700 Opal Transport clean up on termination 2014/07/26 11:37:12.591 0:01.250 Opal Garbage:0x8c632700 Opal Transport Close 2014/07/26 11:37:12.591 0:01.250 Opal Garbage:0x8c632700 Opal Deleted transport udp$<if=udp$> 2014/07/26 11:37:12.592 0:01.252 Opal Garbage:0x8c632700 SIP Deleted handler. 2014/07/26 11:37:12.681 0:01.340 MediaFormat Removing codecs SpeexIETFWide-20.6k,SpeexWB,SpeexWide-20.6k,G.711-uLaw-64k,G.711-ALaw-64k,theora,H.261,H.261-CIF,H.261-QCIF 2014/07/26 11:37:12.682 0:01.341 OPAL SetMediaFormatMask(PCM-16-48kHz,CELT-48K,PCM-16-32kHz,CELT-32K,PCM-16-16kHz,G.722-64k,PCM-16,G.726-16k,G.726-24k,G.726-32k,G.726-40k,GSM-06.10,GSM-AMR,LPC-10,MS-GSM,MS-IMA-ADPCM,SpeexIETFNarrow-11k,SpeexIETFNarrow-15k,SpeexIETFNarrow-18.2k,SpeexIETFNarrow-24.6k,SpeexIETFNarrow-5.95k,SpeexIETFNarrow-8k,SpeexNB,SpeexWNarrow-8k,YUV420P,RFC4175_YCbCr-4:2:0,RGB32,RGB24,RFC4175_RGB,SIP-IM,T.140,H.224/H323AnnexQ,H.224/HDLCTunneling,Linear-16-Stereo-48kHz) 2014/07/26 11:37:12.682 0:01.342 OPAL SetMediaFormatOrder(SpeexIETFWide-20.6k,SpeexWB,SpeexWide-20.6k,G.711-uLaw-64k,G.711-ALaw-64k,theora,H.261,H.261-CIF,H.261-QCIF) 2014/07/26 11:37:12.707 0:01.367 MediaFormat Removing codecs SpeexIETFWide-20.6k,SpeexWB,SpeexWide-20.6k,G.711-uLaw-64k,G.711-ALaw-64k,theora,H.261,H.261-CIF,H.261-QCIF 2014/07/26 11:37:12.708 0:01.368 OPAL SetMediaFormatMask(PCM-16-48kHz,CELT-48K,PCM-16-32kHz,CELT-32K,PCM-16-16kHz,G.722-64k,PCM-16,G.726-16k,G.726-24k,G.726-32k,G.726-40k,GSM-06.10,GSM-AMR,LPC-10,MS-GSM,MS-IMA-ADPCM,SpeexIETFNarrow-11k,SpeexIETFNarrow-15k,SpeexIETFNarrow-18.2k,SpeexIETFNarrow-24.6k,SpeexIETFNarrow-5.95k,SpeexIETFNarrow-8k,SpeexNB,SpeexWNarrow-8k,YUV420P,RFC4175_YCbCr-4:2:0,RGB32,RGB24,RFC4175_RGB,SIP-IM,T.140,H.224/H323AnnexQ,H.224/HDLCTunneling,Linear-16-Stereo-48kHz) 2014/07/26 11:37:12.709 0:01.368 OPAL SetMediaFormatOrder(SpeexIETFWide-20.6k,SpeexWB,SpeexWide-20.6k,G.711-uLaw-64k,G.711-ALaw-64k,theora,H.261,H.261-CIF,H.261-QCIF) 2014/07/26 11:37:13.047 0:01.706 Housekeeper:0x8c5b0700 SIP Set state Terminated_Success for SUBSCRIBE transaction id=z9hG4bKe6ddc016-1613-e411-8182-003018a5a721 2014/07/26 11:37:13.084 0:01.744 Housekeeper:0x8c5b0700 SIP Set state Terminated_Success for SUBSCRIBE transaction id=z9hG4bKdedfc616-1613-e411-8182-003018a5a721 2014/07/26 11:37:13.125 0:01.784 Housekeeper:0x8c5b0700 SIP Set state Terminated_Success for SUBSCRIBE transaction id=z9hG4bKb831cd16-1613-e411-8182-003018a5a721 2014/07/26 11:37:13.164 0:01.823 Housekeeper:0x8c5b0700 SIP Set state Terminated_Success for SUBSCRIBE transaction id=z9hG4bKcc08d316-1613-e411-8182-003018a5a721 2014/07/26 11:37:13.593 0:02.252 Opal Garbage:0x8c632700 SIP Transaction id=z9hG4bKdedfc616-1613-e411-8182-003018a5a721 destroyed. 2014/07/26 11:37:13.594 0:02.253 Opal Garbage:0x8c632700 SIP Transaction id=z9hG4bKe6ddc016-1613-e411-8182-003018a5a721 destroyed. 2014/07/26 11:37:13.594 0:02.253 Opal Garbage:0x8c632700 SIP Transaction id=z9hG4bKb831cd16-1613-e411-8182-003018a5a721 destroyed. 2014/07/26 11:37:13.594 0:02.254 Opal Garbage:0x8c632700 SIP Transaction id=z9hG4bKcc08d316-1613-e411-8182-003018a5a721 destroyed.

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