Re: [Ekiga-list] BT HomeHub blocking UDP 5060

On 09/07/2013 12:36 PM, Mark Carroll wrote:
Oh, but I should add -- with Ekiga 4.0.1 at the receiving end, I still
see the issue where for an incoming call nothing came up to let me pick
it up, it just told me afterward it had missed the call. Downgrading to
Ekiga 3.2.7 fixes that one. (Linux, with ctwm window manager.)

Yes, this still happens to me. The problem is actually with the Desktop environment, not with Ekiga (other than refusing to provide an alternative to broken notifiers). With 4.0.1, however, you can pick up by selecting "Video Preview" from the View menu - even after it starts ringing. This has an answer button that works! Now, if I can just convince the Ekiga people to allow putting the answer icon on the toolbar. I agree that notifiers are much nicer - but only when they actually work! (Which is not under the Ekiga authors control.)

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