Re: [Ekiga-list] Sound very choppy: lin/win connection, PulseAudio, sip address

On Sun, Mar 13, 2011 at 16:42, Platt, Nicholas
<Nicholas Platt dms myflorida com> wrote:
> Dotan:
> Skype also runs on Linux and runs very well.    I'm running Fedora 14
> without any sound issues.   Calls are extremely clear especially when
> the user agents have negotiated CODEC G.722 or G.711.

Thanks Nicholas. We had been using Skype until now. How does one
configure the G.722 or G.711 codecs? I see no such options in Skype.

>   The problem you
> will run into with Ekiga on Windows, Linux, or MAC is DTMF tones using
> RFC2833.  As far as the audio quality settings, I did need to do
> anything except select my headset as the microphone and speakers and
> that is done in Ekiga "Preferences".

Thanks, I will google that issue.

Dotan Cohen

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