Re: [Ekiga-list] Please help setting up Ekiga to work via Thomson 585 router

Le 31/08/2011 10:33, *Neoklis Kyriazis* a écrit fort à propos :
> Hi,
> I am trying to get Ekiga to work with a Thomson TG585 v7 wireless router,
> which I share with my neighbor.

I don't know the TG585 model but I assume it is not very different to my
ST716v5 since they are built with Broadcom chipsets. In that one I had to
modify the default settings as follows, using telnet:

1) connection unbind application=SIP port=5060

(source :

2) connection bind application=CONE(UDP) port=3478

Then Stun works for Linphone and it is not needed to NAT any port. Ekiga
seems to be a bit more exacting however but I am not able to say more.

> With network detection enabled, ekiga always gives me an error message,
> requesting manual prot forwarding setup which doesn't help. Otherwise it
> says that registration with the SIP provider (both and
> failed. Trying to use one of the services of (echo
> test etc) gives me a Security check failed error.

Ekiga echo test is very often down...

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