Re: [Ekiga-list] Compiling Ekiga Windows Version under Fedora Core

On 07/08/10 19:14, Carsten Breuer wrote:
Hi All,

since i experienced problems with ekiga with video access,
i try to cross compile ekifa under fedora core 11 and also
under cygwin (Yes, i know, but ... ;-)....).

I have never tried with cygwin. If you have success with it, please let us know.

The main problem under FC11 is, that mingw is not in the path.
Instead there are special versions (mingw32.configure and mingw32.make
that replaces the default ones.

Which mingw you speak about? On debian I have to use gcc-mingw32 (mingw compiler, or gcc with mingw output), mingw32-binutils (ld, ar, as etc. for mingw) and mingw32-runtime (headers and libraries for mingw).

Since there is only a makefile available on the wiki,
this approach will not work.

We are very interested to make it work on other distributions, let us know the needed modifications once you succeed in doing it.


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