Hi Bob I've got the same on FC11 David PS - you didn't need to sign up for the $10 it will not connect just the same even if you choose not to. PPS if you open a terminal window and type ekiga -d 4 2> ekiga.d4 and then search the ekiga.d4 file you will probably find that there is a line that says "STUN server lost connection unexpectedly" this seems to be the problem. I though it was just me. As you and I seem to be the only people trying to use ekiga on Fedora - do you want to see if we can find out what the problem is between us? I'm not sure if it's worth the bother - but, like you, I am a little irritated by it. PPPS This was the last response I got from Eugen - I'm afraid it looks as though we're on our own. . . . . and again: 2010/04/15 12:12:21.077 0:10.183 STUN STUN server unexpectedly went offline. Both of them are strange, I have not seen them before. I cannot help, sorry. If nobody answers in a few days, please report the bug to bugzilla by attaching these two outputs. -- Eugen On 17/04/10 09:06, Bob Goodwin wrote: