Re: [Ekiga-list] Ekiga 3.2.6 - worked once only

Hi Eugen

On 15/04/10 12:02, Eugen Dedu wrote:
David Ford wrote:
Hi Eugen

On 15/04/10 08:49, Eugen Dedu wrote:
David Ford wrote:
. . . Loads removed . . .
Do I need to phaff around with the router/some firewall or is everything
working OK and I'm not doing something right?
Is there some information in the log that I should be looking for
Are these bits enough or do you want the whole log?
For me, they are not sufficient.  So the problem is that you cannot
succeed to register, is that right?  Please send the full -d 4.  You can
also look at the REGISTER packet and the answers.
I've attached the log - I hope it's small enough to get through
Well, I see an error:
2010/04/14 21:02:59.390	  0:09.229	                       	STUN	STUN
server unexpectedly went offline.

and afterwards I see that you send a few packets but you do not receive
any (in fact you do not receive any packet, but STUN had worked).

It's the same in this log too - but "ping" ran the whole time with no packet loss.
Does you network connection stop right after starting ekiga?!  Do ping and ping work?

I've put the log here - - Thanks for your help

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