Re: [Ekiga-list] ekiga-list Digest, Vol 38, Issue 13

On Tue, 15 Sep 2009, Roger wrote:

Hi Bret

I'm on a 12 gig plan but don't intend to use video, just voice.
You're right about calls to other Ekiga users, it's calls to skype users that I want to know the costs of first hand from the people who do this. Unfortunately the few that I need to talk to are windows, apple, skype users. I'm Linux Fedora 11.

On the Diamond card site it looks like they charge 19 cents per minute for calls within Australia unless I'm reading it wrong, that's not cheap.
I'd love to be corrected on this.


Hello, Roger.

I may be wrong, but I understand that Skype and Ekiga are incompatible; mutually exclusive, and that calls cannot be made between one and the other.

If I am wrong, hopefully someone from Ekiga will correct me on this.

Because of (my understanding of) the incompatibility between Skype and Ekiga, I have both now installed, and, accounts set up for each, with test calls successfully now made to each (Skype is not as easy to get going - I needed to use a headset, to get sound input working, and the microphone in my webcam had worked okay with the Ekiga test call).

But, due to the version of Ekiga that is in the Ubuntu 8.04 package repository, and, the inability to answer calls with that version (2.0.12), I apparently do not have a working version of Ekiga, and, one is apparently not easily available for Ubuntu 8.04.

Fedora 11 that you have, may have a 3.x version of Ekiga, in its (RPM ?) package repository, so you may have better luck with getting that working, but, as mentioned above, I believe that will still not let you communicate with Skype clients, for which, I believe, you need to use Skype, or, otherwise, you need to convince them to switch to (or, to also use) Ekiga.

Bret Busby
West Australia

"So once you do know what the question actually is,
 you'll know what the answer means."
- Deep Thought,
  Chapter 28 of Book 1 of
  "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy:
  A Trilogy In Four Parts",
  written by Douglas Adams,
  published by Pan Books, 1992


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