Re: [Ekiga-list] Ekiga Compilation on Windows

        Even i agree that native Mingw compilation is bit difficult. I took the makefile from ekiga wiki page and when I executed 
make update-sources
I got the below given errors.

[root EICPU1065 Desktop]# make update-sources
make: dpkg-architecture: Command not found
Updating on Wed Oct 28 14:43:04 IST 2009
echo "--- Getting libregex..."
--- Getting libregex...
mkdir -p /home/sohil/Desktop/src/regex
cd /home/sohil/Desktop/src/regex; \
    for i in regex.c regexec.c regex.h regex_internal.c regex_internal.h regcomp.c alloca_.h alloca.c strcase.h localcharset.c localcharset.h;do \
      wget -nv -T 60 -N --no-proxy*checkout*/gnulib/gnulib/lib/$i ;\
2009-10-28 14:43:05 ERROR 403: Webcat Access denied.*checkout*/gnulib/gnulib/lib/regexec.c:
2009-10-28 14:43:06 ERROR 403: Webcat Access denied.*checkout*/gnulib/gnulib/lib/regex.h:
2009-10-28 14:43:06 ERROR 403: Webcat Access denied.*checkout*/gnulib/gnulib/lib/regex_internal.c:
2009-10-28 14:43:07 ERROR 403: Webcat Access denied.*checkout*/gnulib/gnulib/lib/regex_internal.h:
2009-10-28 14:43:08 ERROR 403: Webcat Access denied.*checkout*/gnulib/gnulib/lib/regcomp.c:
2009-10-28 14:43:08 ERROR 403: Webcat Access denied.*checkout*/gnulib/gnulib/lib/alloca_.h:
2009-10-28 14:43:09 ERROR 403: Webcat Access denied.*checkout*/gnulib/gnulib/lib/alloca.c:
2009-10-28 14:43:10 ERROR 403: Webcat Access denied.*checkout*/gnulib/gnulib/lib/strcase.h:
2009-10-28 14:43:10 ERROR 403: Webcat Access denied.*checkout*/gnulib/gnulib/lib/localcharset.c:
2009-10-28 14:43:11 ERROR 403: Webcat Access denied.*checkout*/gnulib/gnulib/lib/localcharset.h:
2009-10-28 14:43:12 ERROR 403: Webcat Access denied.
make: *** [update-sources] Error 1
[root EICPU1065 Desktop]# make update-sources
make: dpkg-architecture: Command not found
Updating on Wed Oct 28 14:44:36 IST 2009
echo "--- Getting libregex..."
--- Getting libregex...
mkdir -p /home/sohil/Desktop/src/regex
cd /home/sohil/Desktop/src/regex; \
    for i in regex.c regexec.c regex.h regex_internal.c regex_internal.h regcomp.c alloca_.h alloca.c strcase.h localcharset.c localcharset.h;do \
      wget -nv -T 60 -N --no-proxy*checkout*/gnulib/gnulib/lib/$i ;\
2009-10-28 14:44:37 ERROR 403: Webcat Access denied.*checkout*/gnulib/gnulib/lib/regexec.c:
2009-10-28 14:44:37 ERROR 403: Webcat Access denied.*checkout*/gnulib/gnulib/lib/regex.h:
2009-10-28 14:44:38 ERROR 403: Webcat Access denied.*checkout*/gnulib/gnulib/lib/regex_internal.c:
2009-10-28 14:44:39 ERROR 403: Webcat Access denied.*checkout*/gnulib/gnulib/lib/regex_internal.h:
2009-10-28 14:44:39 ERROR 403: Webcat Access denied.*checkout*/gnulib/gnulib/lib/regcomp.c:
2009-10-28 14:44:40 ERROR 403: Webcat Access denied.*checkout*/gnulib/gnulib/lib/alloca_.h:
2009-10-28 14:44:40 ERROR 403: Webcat Access denied.*checkout*/gnulib/gnulib/lib/alloca.c:
2009-10-28 14:44:41 ERROR 403: Webcat Access denied.*checkout*/gnulib/gnulib/lib/strcase.h:
2009-10-28 14:44:41 ERROR 403: Webcat Access denied.*checkout*/gnulib/gnulib/lib/localcharset.c:
2009-10-28 14:44:42 ERROR 403: Webcat Access denied.*checkout*/gnulib/gnulib/lib/localcharset.h:
2009-10-28 14:44:43 ERROR 403: Webcat Access denied.
make: *** [update-sources] Error 1

What should I interpret from these error ?
I understand that some "minor adaptation for cross compilation under Fedora" are required; but what are those changes exactly ?

Let me know if you need more details.
Thanks & Regards,
Sohil Shah

On 10/28/2009 01:41 PM, Michael Rickmann wrote:
we cross compile Win32 Ekiga under Debian based Linux. On the Wiki page
you find "for more see ekiga_build-3.2.6.tgz " that link should provide
you with a Makefile which would need some minor adaptation for cross
compilation under Fedora. make update-sources, make, install necessary
packages for the build, make. Native Mingw compilation under Windows
will be more difficult.

Am Mittwoch, den 28.10.2009, 11:49 +0530 schrieb Sohil Shah:
I have the per compiled binaries for windows ( 3.2.6 ) but I need to
customize ekiga for IP camera support and hence I need to compile it
on windows.

Thanks & Regards,
Sohil Shah

On 10/27/2009 10:06 PM, yannick wrote: 
Le mardi 27 octobre 2009 à 20:21 +0530, Sohil Shah a écrit :
        How to compile ekiga on windows XP ? I've downloaded and 
installed mingw32 5.X.X; but I dont know how to use it for compiling 
ekiga. I understand that there is a makefile under ekiga/win32 folder 
which I can use to compile ekiga. Morever I couldn't find any precise 
specific documentation online for compiling ekiga on windows.
I've managed to compile the same package (ekiga 3.2.6) on Linux ( Fedora 
11 x86 ).

You can use precompiled binaries for Windows (3.2.6):

I'm working on fixing our website to make them more visible...

Best regards,

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