Re: [Ekiga-list] [Fwd: "First Time Configuration Assistant"]

Jan Schampera wrote:
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I am on "Video Devices - page 9/10"

I have selected "UVC Camera (046d:0991)
"The video input device is the device managed by"
"the video manager that will be used to capture"

Note: On a previous step I had selected "v4l"

When I click "Test Settings"

I get "Failed to open the device"
"Could not open the chosen"
"channel with the chosen video"

I am using Kubuntu/Ubuntu 8.04 Ekiga package "2.0.12-0ubuntu2"
The Ekiga version is "ekiga 2.0.12"

Any suggestions about how I could get Ekiga video to work on my system will be appreciated. Note: luvcview works fine.

UVC does not work with V4L.  You should use V4L2.


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