Re: [Ekiga-list] [Ekiga-devel-list] Call for testing our new platform

I too would be delighted to assist.  However, being a non-programmer
and newbie to Linux I still use Windows a lot.  I can't get the 3.0
version working on either my Kubuntu or Windows, so not sure how I can
help.  Unfortunately, when the 3.0 version for windows came out, I
uninstalled the 2.0 versions, so I'm currently not able to use ekiga
except to land-lines, funnily enough!



2008/11/4 Edward Dunagin <edunagin gmail com>:
> Edward Dunagin-Dunigan
> Bozeman, MT 59718
> mobile 406-570-0992
> Land line 406-556-7282
> EKIGA: sip:edunagin ekiga net
> On Mon, Nov 3, 2008 at 9:45 AM, John hawley <johnhawley blueyonder co uk> wrote:
>> Damien Sandras wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Without feedback :
>>> - do we consider that people are too lazy to test and that no test has
>>> been done
>>> - do we consider that it works well
>>> ?
>>> Le mercredi 29 octobre 2008 à 23:19 +0100, yannick a écrit :
>>>> Hello,
>>>> We are currently in the process to switch the softwares used for the
>>>> service. Before the real switch, we need some people to test
>>>> it.
>>>> To use the improved service, you just need to configure ekiga 3.0 to use
>>>> an inbound proxy (in Edit -> Preferences -> SIP Settings -> Outbound
>>>> Proxy): set it as "". The rest is just similar to the
>>>> current use of
>>>> You need to use the stable release of Ekiga 3.0 (3.0.0, or 3.0.1) to
>>>> test the new system. Our current Ekiga trunk (SVN) has its outbound
>>>> proxy broken at the moment.
>>>> We also have a new web interface to register accounts:
>>>> Warning: All new account created using this new web interface will be
>>>> deleted once we will do the real switch.
>>>> We are waiting your feedback.
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Yannick
>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> Ekiga-devel-list mailing list
>>>> Ekiga-devel-list gnome org
>> I would be delighted to assist in testing however, I've yet to succeed in
>> building a runnable version of 3.0  (on Hardy) As I expressed in an email
>> last year, I desperately need something like Ekiga using H264 to enable deaf
>> users to control video/sound bandwidth and picture quality vs frame-rate
>> (for lip-reading) . As this means installing on a variety of
>> machines/operating systems, I see no real prospect of this until Ekiga
>> becomes a simple one-step downloadable package.  Please don't get me wrong,
>> I think Damien, Yannick and others are doing a wonderful job and I'm
>> extremely  grateful for the (unpaid) effort that's going in but all the
>> while it relies on a high degree of skill to actually get it going, Ekiga
>> will remain in a tiny specialist backwater.
>> I used to have reasonable programming skills and at one stage was a UNIX
>> system administrator and would help if I could (sadly I've forgotten too
>> much I think) but it concerns me that if I think this is complex, what's it
>> going to look like to an "average" user?
>> Much of the problem as I see it relates to the assumption that end users are
>> aware of the function of the  various dependencies (ptlib etc)  and
>> understand terms such as NAT and STUN etc. A simple glossary of terms may go
>> a long way to de-mystifying  the building process.
>> Apologies if this seems like a criticism,  I'm a great fan but sometimes you
>> have to stand back and  look at it  from a users point of view.
> Here is another user like John. I had Ekiga 2 working about 6 months
> ago but can't seem to get it working now. I'm running Kubuntu
> Intrepid. Can't seem to even contact the test site, 500 ekiga net 
> I have not  tried Ekiga 3 for I can't seem to get 2 running. (maybe
> I'll go ahead and download 3)<sigh><g>
> Peace.........................ed
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> ekiga-list mailing list
> ekiga-list gnome org

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