Re: [Ekiga-list] Ekiga vs Skype

I follow the discussion with great interst. I use Skype and VoIPBuster a lot, because the children and family of my wife live in the States, Australia and China. However, until now I am not able to get Ekiga working. The webcam is not working, and I found out that I have to pay for the calls using Ekiga. (home phoners/fixed).
Question: I am a real newbee, any reamrks concerning the items I wrote above. Please comment.

HAns Minekus

There are a lot of VoIP programs out there these days. I decided to follow Ekiga
because I support the open software concept. Ekiga has thus far been offered
to the world as a very generous gift. Of the programs I have tested, Ekiga is
proving to offer the best sound quality, but many people are having problems
getting it to work reliably. I have been trying Ekiga 2.0.11 that comes with recent
distro of Gnome under Linux Slackware 12.0 and kernel 2.6.21. I have not yet
complete success yet with this OS or FreeBSD 7.0. I also failed to get it to work
under Windows, but this might only be because of some mis-understandings. I
think you need to install GTK+ to get it to work in Windows, but following the
chage-logs, I got idea Ekiga should not depend on GTK because there were
some comments about removing the error message about requiring GTK. What
OS are you using?


There is no error, I actually have gotten very good sound quality with a 56K
modem. Ekiga is crashing for now and I am trying to solve this. However,
I can say with great certainty the sound quality has been very good when Ekiga
does not crash. Interesting point that Skype was originally described as working
well with no more than a modem connection. I have never once experienced
that. It seems Ekiga has some efficiency that ends up benefiting the end user
in terms of efficiency and sound quality, which is why I want to see this go.


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