Re: [Ekiga-list] Fwd: Re: ekiga fails to use sound card, other?apps do, config help?

El día Tuesday, March 18, 2008 a las 12:19:54PM -0400, Mikhail Teterin escribió:

> ???????? 18 ???????? 2008 12:15 ??, Matthias Apitz ?? ????????:
> > In principle I know this, but it is my daily-work-laptop and I can't
> > live without having all functional and stable; so I can't on this
> > machine update with 'portsnap'
> Well, you should definitely try doing that before asking for help :-)

Well, I did this before asking for help.

I've updated the ekiga, opal and pwlib ports before, but pwlib not even
compiled, which perhaps has todo with missing autoconf-2.61 and this was
depending on more recent perl, ... versions; so at the end I only wanted
to get this small patch of one line mentioned in Google by Ted Farber;

Was this to mutch help I was asking for after trying many hours to solve
this by my own?



Matthias Apitz
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