Re: [Ekiga-list] Fwd: Re: ekiga fails to use sound card, other?apps do, config help?

El día Tuesday, March 18, 2008 a las 12:06:46PM -0400, Mikhail Teterin escribió:

> ???????? 18 ???????? 2008 11:36 ??, Matthias Apitz ?? ????????:
> > Thanks, Steve. I've had to apply this patch by hand to the port version
> > included in FreeBSD 6.2R (pwlib-1.10.1_2,1) [...]
> Hi, Matthias! The FreeBSD ports are meant to be updated regularly. You don't 
> have to do this every day, if you wish to stay conservative, but you should 
> certainly update to the version released with the most recent OS release 
> (such as 7.0) -- even if you don't plan to update the base system.
> See:
> for more. Yours,

Hi Mikhail,

In principle I know this, but it is my daily-work-laptop and I can't
live without having all functional and stable; so I can't on this
machine update with 'portsnap'; I've already prepared a test server with
all my needed ports (some 200) based on FreeBSD 7.0R, on which by the
way 5 of 'my' ports did not even compiled as installed from the disks to
/usr/ports and I've had todo 'portsnap' before running through them;
if all goes well I will switch my business laptop to 7.0R the upcoming
long weekend (Eastern/Pascua).

Thanks for your help and feedback anyway

Matthias Apitz
Manager Technical Support - OCLC GmbH
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