Re: [Ekiga-list] Privacy policy of Ekiga

Mike Fedyk wrote:
> BBB template <> or another template <> These two look good. The OECD one is geared toward a large organization. Mike

ekiga-list mailing list
ekiga-list gnome org
Hi all,

I think the one of BBB is good, but also the other templates can help. As a 'user' I like the introduction, especially the second part:

A good privacy notice is easy to find, easy to read, and comprehensively explains all your online information practices. _It also provides online visitors an opportunity to make informed decisions about the collection and use of their information._ As part of good business practices, posting a notice is an important first step in defining your online policies and towards answering one of the major concerns (and barriers) voiced by web-users when going online.

_A privacy notice is also a promise. As a promise, it is not enough to simply post such a notice. _To effectively promote trust and confidence in you and your website, the provisions of a privacy notice must also be fully implemented as part of a larger privacy policy. Careful consideration should therefore go into the creation of a notice so it accurately reflects your own unique information practices and you can guarantee a faithful adherence to its provisions.

/I'd like to help making it, but I think the developers and maintainers of Ekiga should say what there policy is, cause I do not know. Maybe they can make a policy in French and I am sure that we can find someone for a good English translation.

Kind regards,


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