Re: [Ekiga-list] Newbie ekiga Linux problems

Le dimanche 01 juin 2008 à 14:01 -0400, Mark T.B. Carroll a écrit :


> Mind you, I'm about to change ISP, and I could compile SIP and H.323
> support into my NAT box - might that fix the error I saw? I'm just kind
> of surprised from the error message that ekiga gave that it didn't seem
> to be able to distinguish between errors caused by ports already being
> taken on my local machine so that it couldn't bind to them, and errors
> caused by needing to forward ports on a separate router!

The error message means that another application is already using the
port Ekiga is trying to open (probably UDP 5060 for SIP or TCP 1720 for
H.323 or both). 

Another possibility would be that you have no network interface ready
when Ekiga starts.
 _     Damien Sandras
//\    Ekiga Softphone :
v_/_   NOVACOM         :
       FOSDEM          :
       SIP Phone       : sip:dsandras ekiga net

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