Re: [Ekiga-list] Ekiga && H.323 'Gatekeeper ID' && no success


El día Monday, February 18, 2008 a las 01:09:40PM +0100, Damien Sandras escribió:

> If it registers, then what do you want more ?

Deep understanding about the things to be prepared if something
does not work. :-)
But anyway I will proceed.

My situation is that I'm behind some dual-homed IPFilter firewall,
i.e. my laptop (and as well the Sony Viewstation) has some IP addr
from private range, is connected to the inner NIC; and NAT is done
in the firewall and all traffic appears with the IP addr of the
outer NIC of the firewall. In the Sony Viewstation I can configure
that NAT is involved and as well I can put the real IP (
because this is send inbound the protocols, as I understand.

To make this conference with the Sony Viewstation I have to allow
in the firewall that the Gatekeeper, a MCU-switcher and a MCU
is reachable (3 different IP addrs). So far the (working) story
with the Sony Viewstation.

Is Ekiga capable to handle this as well? I've not seen that I could
insert somewhere the real (outer) IP into the Ekiga config.
Maybe I should install a H.323 proxy on that firewall box?
Is there some step-by-step config how-to about such a situation?


Matthias Apitz
Manager Technical Support - OCLC GmbH
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