Re: [Ekiga-list] Compile Problem

Lets tackle one problem at a time:)
>> argument `/usr/lib/gcc/i586-suse-linux/4.3/../../../'

> Do you have the devel versions of libsigc++2 installed ?
Yes I do, the is not in it.
However, I think this may be a package problem(don't quote me:)

I did a search for across my whole system(I have a 10.0 a
10.3 and a 11.1 of suse) and it was only found in the old 10.0 system.
So either I have not installed some gnome requirement or the file is no
longer valid on newer systems.

Then I noticed that this file is called by libtool.
I had to install libtool on my system, but you have a shell script
called libtool in the /ekiga-3.0.1 directory. I renamed this to see if
it would pick up my system libtool and it said

/bin/sh: ../../../../libtool: No such file or directory
make[6]: *** [] Error 127
make[6]: Leaving directory


Which is correct as I had just renamed it.
I guess my question is, should it be using my system libtool?
If not what do I have to install to satisfy your libtool so that it can
find, if it is still valid?

BTW I am running the normal ./configure make with no flags on either


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