Re: [Ekiga-list] Yet another "406 not acceptable" thread

Le dimanche 24 août 2008 à 22:01 +0200, Sébastien Mazy a écrit :
> Hi,
> I hope it's the right place to talk about service (not
> software), otherwise I'm sorry for it.
> registrar responds with "406 NOT ACCEPTABLE" error to
> REGISTER requests which contain a private IP address in their Via or
> Contact header fields. While it's a choice to reject such requests, is
> the 406 error the most suitable for this case? I took a look at the
> RFC3261 definition [1] in order to understand what this error really
> meant and what I read (bad Accept header) doesn't really seem to
> match: "don't want to accept REGISTER message with private IP".
> What do you think? Would it be possible to change the error code for a
> more suitable one? (just asking, take no offense)
> [1]

And what error code would you suggest ?
 _     Damien Sandras
//\    Ekiga Softphone :
v_/_   NOVACOM         :
       FOSDEM          :
       SIP Phone       : sip:dsandras ekiga net

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