Re: [Ekiga-list] Best practices for using VoIP with FOSS

Marcelo Coelho wrote:
>>> But if you setup Asterisk, you are still using SIP and if they are
>>> blocking SIP, your Asterisk setup won't work either... :(
>> true.  you need to find out exactly what they are blocking.  are they
>> blocking certain firewall ports, or are they blocking protocols?
> Well, I'll try to have an answer on that. Either way, as I intend to
> do videoconferencing only with a couple of people, they can set up a
> VPN connection to my home lan and use SIP internally (at least I think
> that is possible).

yes, vpn is possible.  i do that now, cross country over 768k upload
speed dsl and it works well
Anthony - -
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