Re: [Ekiga-devel-list] issue with opal 3.5.2 finding ptlib 2.5.2

Peter Robinson wrote:
Hi All,

I think I'm going mad. I'm trying to build the ekiga 3.1.0 build to
push to rawhide but I'm running into another build issue. Nothing else
has changed in the build env except the versions and ptlib with devel
libraries are installed. Ideas anyone?

If you build ptlib with debugging (i.e. ./configure --enable-debug), then
you must also compile opal with debugging (i.e. ,.configure --enable-debug)

Also, if you do not have PTLIBDR set when compiling PTLIB and Opal, then you
must install PTLib else Opal will not be able to find it.

Recompiling opal and ptlib dozens of times too many with different
configure options to see if there's one option that makes it shit
itself it turns out that the option that kills opal from actually
detecting the correct ptlib is ironically --enable-opal. Without that
opal will detect the installed ptlib and compile correctly. Is this
option now dead but hasn't been documented as such or is there some
other issue?

I do not use --enable-opal for building.

If I understand correctly, opal cannot find ptlib.pc, is that right? In that case, this should not be complicated to fix (why a file is not found)...


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