Re: [Ekiga-devel-list] pulseaudio support (was Re: What's missing for 3.2.1)

Eugen Dedu wrote:
Dave Allan wrote:
Eugen Dedu wrote:
Dave Allan wrote:
Peter Robinson wrote:

To add the 3.4 (or possible 3.2.x release would be the pulse audio
plugin. I've tried it as a patch to ptlib but it seems to lock up for
me but I haven't had the time to compile up ptlib/opal/ekiga trunk and
test with it. It would also be nice to have upnp (possibly with gupnp
now that there's confirmation it works on Windows.
Are you actively working on pulseaudio support?  I've downloaded and 
built the ptlib/opal/ekiga trunks.  There is a pulse plugin in 
ptlib, which works with its own test code but is broken when ekiga 
tries to use it.  I've only just begun to look into what's wrong, 
not to mention that I can only work on it very intermittently.  Is 
your patch on top of what's in the tree already (it sounds like it's 
separate)?  We should coordinate our efforts.
I do not use pulse plugin.  However, it is available in debian 
snapshots.  Anyway, please inform ptlib/opal developers about it (for 

Ok, I filed bug 2783191 on the error dialogs, and included a oneline 
patch that makes the error dialogs go away as I think the error is 
spurious.  Sound is still broken, however, and I'll file a separate 
bug about that when I have time.
Don't forget to specify that you noticed this on ekiga, because they are 
a generic library, not specific to ekiga...
Doh--thanks--I really am not paying as much attention as I should; damn 
day job :)

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