Re: [Ekiga-devel-list] To the developers

Julien Puydt wrote:
Craig Southeren a écrit :
I've added code to the trunk revision of ptlib that implements this functionality for Windows.

Simply add the following code to the PProcess::Main descendant

PString urlTypes("sip\nh323\nsips\nh323s");
if (!PProcess::HostSystemURLHandlerInfo::RegisterTypes(urlTypes, false))
  PProcess::HostSystemURLHandlerInfo::RegisterTypes(urlTypes, true);

I've tested this on Vista with another OPAL application and it works just grand :)

If someone could implement the Linux/gnome version, we'd be done :)

How does it ask the user whether it's ok to set itself as default ?

It doesn't

In the code fragment above, the first function call checks to see if the current application is the default for the URL types. If it returns false, the second function call sets the functions.

The application would insert the question to the user in between these two calls.


 Craig Southeren          Post Increment – VoIP Consulting and Software
 craigs postincrement com au         

 Phone:  +61 243654666      ICQ: #86852844
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 "Science is the poetry of reality." Richard Dawkins

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