Re: [Ekiga-devel-list] To the developers

Julien Puydt wrote:
yannick a écrit :
IMHO, it should be like when you install firefox: it ask to be the
default software handling internet link (http://...), and it has
probably an option somewhere for this too. This let the user choose
which software will handle links for internet.
I would like EKiga behavior be the same on every platforms (i.e. linux
and windows): asking to be the default software handling sip:... URI and
having an option in preferences for that.

Some random thoughts about it :
(1) why not peek at how firefox does this ?

(2) why not have a nice framework for that in ekiga, with a gconf implementation and a dummy implementation, then try to find someone to provide a win32/kde/whatever implementation?

(3) do the win32 binaries run under wine? Wouldn't that be of interest to the wine developpers to help it run under wine? Wouldn't they also be able to help with point (2) ?

I've added code to the trunk revision of ptlib that implements this functionality for Windows.

Simply add the following code to the PProcess::Main descendant

PString urlTypes("sip\nh323\nsips\nh323s");
if (!PProcess::HostSystemURLHandlerInfo::RegisterTypes(urlTypes, false))
  PProcess::HostSystemURLHandlerInfo::RegisterTypes(urlTypes, true);

I've tested this on Vista with another OPAL application and it works just grand :)

If someone could implement the Linux/gnome version, we'd be done :)

In the future, please feel free to send any Windows issues to me or Robert as we do a lot of development on that platform


 Craig Southeren          Post Increment – VoIP Consulting and Software
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