Hi On 2015-06-09 13:12, Jens Georg <mail jensge org> wrote:
As there are some standards for Video subtitles like CEA-708 , SRT, ASS etc. Similarly are there any standard for Video tags? If so which standard is being used in easytag? please provide info about it.. Thanks in Advance...I guess it depends on the container. Unless its AVI. You don't want tags in AVI. I suspect that for OGG and MP4 easyTag should be able to use whatever is used in the audio case.
As Jens mentions, the tag format is dependent on the container. EasyTAG currently only supports tags for audio file formats, which it reads based on filename extension. MP4 video files are supported (as Ernest pointed out), but only in the sense that several tag fields are shared with MP4 audio, and the MP4 video file extension is recognised. It should not be too difficult to support video in an Ogg container, in a similar way to the current Ogg audio support.
It should be possible to support other tag formats specific to video files (as well as image files), but there are quite a few other things to work on, so this is a low priority for me.
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