Re: Packaging Issue?

Hi Scott

On 2014-03-08 14:05, Scott Furry <scott wl furry gmail com> wrote:
I just reinstalled easytag after moving to a different distrobution. I
noticed some really odd behaviour afterwards.
After I download something in firefox, I would select to see the folder
where the file was downloaded. easytag would open trying to show me the
contents of the folder.

A google search ( using "arch firefox easytag" ) found the following: › Multimedia and Games › Weird bug in EasyTag

The fix described didn't work for me, but I did figure out a work around.
I ended up having to edit /usr/share/applications/mimeinfo.cache and
remove easytag from the inode/directory entry.
I since discovered that the same thing can be done in the MIME type
editor (Applications->Settings->MIME Type Editor)

The .cache file will be regenerated whenever a new desktop file is installed and update-desktop-database is run, so you should instead edit either /usr/share/applications/mimeapps.list (for system-wide configuration changes) or ~/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list (for user-specific changes). The latter is probably what your MIME type editor uses.

But the google search revealed that this is not a corner case as there
were other distro's with similar issues.
(try using "linux firefox easytag" )
Granted, some of these posts date back to 2009, but why is this still
happening in 2014?
Maybe no one has said anything? Don't know.

There have been a couple of bugs about it. Most recently, there is:

However, is there something in the easytag packaging that triggers the
change in MIME type setting?
Is there some switch that causes packaging in different distro's to
change the mime type?

No, there is no priority in MIME types (which are given in the .desktop file that EasyTAG installs into /usr/share/applications). EasyTAG lists that inode/directory is a supported MIME type:

This is valid, as directories can be passed to it as command-line arguments in order for them to be opened. A selection of audio formats are also given, although EasyTAG discards the filename when it is passed as an argument, and instead opens the parent directory for browsing.

The problem appears to be that installing a new .desktop file with the inode/directory MIME type causes EasyTAG to be given priority for the type, and it will open directories instead of the traditional "file manager" application.

Can we make this behaviour disappear?

According to the desktop entry specification:

"There should be no priority for MIME Types in this field, or any form of priority in the desktop file. Priority for applications is handled external to the .desktop files."

This makes controlling the behaviour awkward, as I cannot set EasyTAG to a low priority. The easiest solution may be to remove inode/directory from the list of accepted MIME types. Alternatively, the desktop environment that you are using should be changed so that newly-installed applications do not "take over" the MIME type association. There is some discussion of this at the MIME actions specification:


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