Packaging Issue?

I just reinstalled easytag after moving to a different distrobution. I noticed some really odd behaviour afterwards. After I download something in firefox, I would select to see the folder where the file was downloaded. easytag would open trying to show me the contents of the folder.
A google search ( using "arch firefox easytag" ) found the following: › Multimedia and Games › Weird bug in EasyTag ‎(
The fix described didn't work for me, but I did figure out a work around.
I ended up having to edit /usr/share/applications/mimeinfo.cache and remove easytag from the inode/directory entry. I since discovered that the same thing can be done in the MIME type editor (Applications->Settings->MIME Type Editor)
But the google search revealed that this is not a corner case as there 
were other distro's with similar issues.
(try using "linux firefox easytag" )
Granted, some of these posts date back to 2009, but why is this still happening in 2014?
Maybe no one has said anything? Don't know.

However, is there something in the easytag packaging that triggers the change in MIME type setting? Is there some switch that causes packaging in different distro's to change the mime type?
Can we make this behaviour disappear?

Scott Furry

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