Re: [PATCH 0/6] Improve the C++ TagLib MP4 handler

Hi Santtu

On 2014-04-10 08:32, Santtu Lakkala <inz inz fi> wrote:
This set of patches against the wip/taglib-mp4-cxx branch adds support for
cover art and fixes several other fields in a couple of ways.

Santtu Lakkala (6):
 Fix few typos and compilation
 Add G_DECL boilerplate to picture.h
 Implement picture support for MP4
 Change naming scheme for fields
 Add missing fields in MP4 saving
 Use IntPair handling for disc number/total

I do not think that you had updated your checkout of wip/taglib-mp4-cxx, as most of the problems were already fixed. I rebased your patches on top of the branch, which left number 2 and 3 applied. I split off the album artist support into a new patch and pushed that to the branch as well. Thanks for that patch especially! I wonder if there should be a bug against TagLib to add the property convenience accessor (as ALBUMARTIST)?

I will merge this branch to master before the release tomorrow, once there has been a bit more testing.

Thanks for the patches!


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