Re: Some Features

Hi Mathias

On 2013-07-04 15:54, Mathias Reineke <paperfeeder googlemail com> wrote:
Those changes include:
- full support of "total number of discs"
- some more scanner masks (which are chosen arbitrarily :))
   %x - total number of discs
   %k - file index
   %m - total number of files in list
- autonumbering of "disc" (using folders to determine to which disc a
   file belongs; equivalent to "track autonumbering")
- scan processor "fill field" which allows to fill a fill using the
   the tag data (utilizing the mask processing)
- fixed a bug which causes the "track combobox" to contain maaaaaany
   items; the TrackListModel was not cleaned

Now I would like to contribute those changes to the public, but I do
currently not know if this is desired.
And if it is desired (as I hope) I do not know how to provide the core
developers with my changes.

The best way is probably to post a git branch on github, Gitorious or a similar hosting site. I can then review it and hopefully merge the changes. If you were working with 2.1.8, you will find that there have been many changes and fixes since then, so it will give you a good opportunity to test those as well.

Please send an email to the mailing list once you have posted your changes.



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