Re: Some modifications...

Am Sonntag, den 06.01.2013, 16:02 +0000 schrieb David King:
> I think that a check button (GtkCheckButton) would be better. For any 
> value other than 0 or 1 you could either set the button to the 
> "inconsistent" state:
> or default to unsetting the field. Logging a warning if such 
> out-of-range values are encountered might be a good idea.

Agreed. But please allow to unset this field! Perhaps "tri-state" is
possible with a standard GtkCheckButton: False - True - Inconsistent
Otherwise I would prefer a ComboBox.
And the TCMP tag should be unset (non-existent) by default! I guess for
ITunes TCMP=0 is equal to TCMP tag missing. But for other apps/devices
problems could arise, if EasyTAG would add TCMP=0 to every ID3 header by
default. Many non-ITunes music collections do not have/need a TCMP tag.

With regards,
+++ Oliver

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