Re: [Easytag-mailing] EasyTAG-2.1.7-Delete hidden tags on saving?

Charles Lindsay <accounts chazomatic us> [Mon, 21 May 2012 11:40:15 -0700]

> This leads me to the conclusion that EasyTag is simply ignoring and
> leaving intact any fields not being shown in the GUI.  Is that the case?


> If so, is there a way to instruct EasyTag to delete all fields that it's
> not showing?  I didn't see any options for that, or tools that would let
> me scrub files that way.

Unfortunately it's not possible from within EasyTag. You'd have to use 
other tools for that:

One option specifically for FLAC is the CLI tool "metaflac". It's easy to 
use, check the man page, and is very effective to strip specific fields 
from many files as you can use wildcards. For example, this command strips 
the ENCODER field from all my ripped FLAC files:

   metaflac --remove-tag=ENCODER */*/*.flac

A GUI option would be the tag editor Kid3 from KDE. It allows editing/
deleting of all tag fields.

I agree that EasyTag would be even better if it could display/edit all 
existing fields, though from a past discussion I understood that this 
would require a major rewrite of the code.

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