[Easytag-mailing] Displaying id3v1 genres copied to id3v2

It seems to me if the "letter of the ID3V2.* laws" must be preserved, copying the id3v1 genre to ID3v2 genres should display the numeric value, not the textual description of the genre. That way, I would have had the knowledge to manually change the numeric text to the genre's textual description.  If I had had any clue to this "bug", I would have manually entered the data into the ID3V2 tag and saved myself considerable time over what I now must do to correct the files.

I did not know that both Easytag and KID3 does this:  Until I installed Subsonic and scanned thousands of files into its database.  There were a large number of genres represented by numbers, which I did not expect as neither Easytag nor KID3 displayed the numbers when I first edited/converted the tags.  The numbers are meaningless to the uninformed user, such as myself.

By ignoring the INTENT  of the ID3V2 specs, Easytag and KID3 caused me considerably more and seemingly unnecessary work.

The only comparable tagger that I could find to work on my system is mp3tag (Windows exe). Mp3tag revealed to me all the numeric IDs that Easytag and KID3 hid from me and enabled me to change them to the textual description.

That to me is a bug because I actually need the textual descriptions for my purposes and see no easy way to save the textual description after copying/converting an ID3V1 tag.  By displaying the numeric representation of the ID number, I would have been able to edit the value and save the textual description.  And If I select from the drop-down list, I suppose that the numeric id is saved, not the textual description.

FYI I was using Easytag 2.1.6



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